A Message from the Principal

Swimming Lesson Survey Results

There was a very good response rate to the survey and I thank all of the parents/caregivers who took the time to respond. There was overwhelming support for the lessons from the respondents who will have students in the Junior School (Year Three to Year Six) in 2024, with 86% saying they would like the College to offer swimming lessons. There was also very strong support for the introduction of a Swimming Lesson Levy and the interruptions to Instructional Time that will come with the implementation of Swimming Lessons at Salvado Catholic College.


We have now begun the process of planning for the introduction of Swimming Lessons in the Junior School in 2024 which will take place at the start of Term Four. More information will be circulated to families in 2024.  


Middle School Parent/Teacher/Student Meetings - Tuesday 25 July (1:30pm to 7:00pm)

A 'good' education is reliant on clear communication between parents/caregivers, students, teachers, and the school. Salvado Catholic College is providing the opportunity for parents/caregivers to meet with thier child's teachers to discuss Semester One Reports. I encourage all parents/caregivers to make appointments to meet with your child’s teachers. The details of the meetings are outlined below. 

  • Lessons for Middle School students will conclude at the end of Lesson 4 - 12:50pm on the day of the Meetings;
  • The Kaadadjiny Hub will be available for students to use for study/homework if they are not able to travel home at the end of Lesson 4;
  • Some parents will have children in the Primary years as well as the Secondary and may want to pick the primary students up early i.e. 12:50pm rather than making two trips to the College;
  • Meetings will commence at 1:30pm and will conclude at 7:00pm; 
  • Meetings will be held in the Secondary Learning Spaces;
  • Information regarding the booking of meetings will be circulated by Mr Brendan McGrath. 

Students are expected to attend and participate in the meetings as they need every opportunity to take an active part in their education.  Feedback on a student’s Report and their progress is not effective unless the student is present as well. 


Break Times - Semester Two Trial

Staff have been discussing the length of recess (20 minutes) and lunch (40 minutes) breaks at the College. The discussion has been focussing on providing more time for students to engage in activities at recess, as the Primary students currently get 10 minutes to play after their 10 minute eating time.  With the longer lunch break of 40 minutes there is a tendency for games to get out of hand and for issues to start between students. Changing the length of the recess and lunch breaks can have a positive impact on play and behaviour. 


In Semester Two, Salvado Catholic College will be trialling two 30-minute breaks for all students.  Recess will start at 10:30am and conclude at 11:00am; lunch will commence at 12:50pm and conclude at 1:20pm. There will be no change to instructional time as 10 minutes is being taken from lunch and added to recess. During Term Four, we will review this trial and make a decision for 2024. The Parent Handbook on the  College website will be updated to reflect these changes. 


Staffing News

We have several staffing changes for Semester Two. 

  • Mr Colin Loh will be taking on the role of Acting Assistant Principal at Assumption Catholic Primary School for Semester Two, we wish Mr Loh all the best as he takes on this leadership role. At this stage Mr Loh will be returning to Salvado Catholic College in 2024. 
  • Mr Jason Meynell has been appointed as the Head of Senior School and will commence this role at the start of Semester Two. Mr Meynell has a wealth of knowledge and experience in this area. He will be liaising with our Year Nine families during Term Three as we plan for Year Ten in 2024. 
  • Mr Luke Johns will be Acting Year Nine Coordinator from Thursday 22 June to Friday 28 July whilst Mr Wade Old is on leave. 
  • Mrs Josune Urresti de Vidal will be the Pre-Primary Grey (PPG) Teacher for the first five weeks of Term Three whilst Mrs Cuccovia is on Long Service Leave. Mrs de Vidal has been the Student Support Teacher this term.
  • Ms Susan Xerri will be taking on the role of Student Support Teacher for the first five weeks of Term Three. Ms Xerri has been doing relief teaching at the College. We welcome her to the Salvado Catholic College staff. 

Finally, I wish all members of the Salvado Catholic College community a safe and restful break. I look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 17 July to commence Semester Two. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
