Student News

Bella - the MVP of the U12s Division One Team!


Bella (Year 6) was selected to represent Southern Districts Netball Association in the U12s Division 1 team over the long weekend in early June - which is an achievement in itself! 


To top it all off, she was chosen as the MVP of her team! 


This is indeed an amazing recognition of Bella's efforts and achievement! Well done, Bella!


 Mitchell - Second Runner-Up in Mountain Bike Riding!


Mitchell (Year 6) raced in the WA Gravity Enduro on Sunday in Dwellingup. 


The WA Gravity Enduro is a Mountain Bike Riding Race held in a variety of locations in Western Australia. It is an exciting and challenging race that brings together the best of the best, and it was no mean feat that Mitchell emerged Third out of 48 riders!


Congratulations on your fantastic result, Mitchell!



Do you have news that you would like to share with us?

A student achievement that happened outside of school?


Send us an email:


Remember to include as much information as possible as well as:

- the student's first name and last name 

- year group. 

All photos should be in the highest resolution possible and sent as attachments.


We look forward to hearing from you!