
The Two Holy Hearts

The month of June has, at its center, two important feasts —

on Friday (16 June), the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and, 

on the very next day (Saturday, 17 June), the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Mary. 

Two hearts, side by side, over- flowing with love. 

Two days to celebrate Jesus the Son and Mary his mother, 

our mother as Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, 

and mother of us all.



Hail, Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary!

We venerate You!

We love and honour You.

We give and consecrate ourselves to You forever.

Receive us and possess us entirely.

Purify, enlighten and sanctify us

so that we may love You, Jesus,  

with the Immaculate Heart of Mary; 

and love you, Mary, 

with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 
