New Room Update 

Update on new room


With the new kinder room due for completion at the end of June we have been looking at the options for its use for both the rest of 2019 and going forward into 2020.


Term 3 and 4 2019

Based on the survey responses of our 4yo families and operational needs of the kinder we will be looking to offer Extended Care two afternoons a week. 


Thursday afternoon for Purple group from 12.00pm to 4.00pm and

Friday afternoon for Orange group from 1.15pm to 4.30pm


The sessions will be run by a Diploma Educator and have a maximum number of 11 children.  Families will need to enrol on a term basis and pay a term fee.  We are currently in the process of engaging staff to the program. 


The Extended Care program is separate to the kinder program. It will not be run in the same format or provide the same outcomes.


Furthermore the 3yo group will be moving into the new room with both sessions to now run in the morning from 8.30am to 11.00am.   This was again based on survey results with the overwhelming majority of 3yo families wanting the Friday session to be moved to the morning. 



Through consultation with staff and school council a new timetable for 2020 has been created and approved.  Please see attached. 

The 2020 program will include three 4yo groups of 22 children all attending for 15 hours.  Two groups will come for three sessions a week and one group will come for two longer sessions a week.  Plus there will be one 3yo group of 22 children attending for six hours a week.

No staffing arrangements have yet been finalised for 2020.  

We will also be offering Extended Care in 2020 for children in the Green, Orange & Purple groups.  Enrolment in these sessions will be optional and at an extra cost per term, with a limit of 22 children per session on a first come first served basis. A child can only be enrolled into the Extended Care session directly after their normal group kinder session.  

Group preference and Extended Care enrolment forms will be emailed to families once the City of Monash have advised the kindergarten of the final list of enrolments for 2020.   This should be in late July this year. 

2020 Timetable 

Please click to see the attached timetable for 2020.