Unwell children and kindergarten 

Cold and Flu Season 

Attached is a copy of the Chain of Contamination pdf we display at kindergarten. 

While we love that children want to be at kinder, and understand that it can be hard to rearrange schedules, we ask that children who are unwell stay home from kindergarten. 

An unwell child finds it difficult to concentrate, learn, socialise. They can also spread viruses to other children and staff, and onto other kindergarten community family members, including babies, pregnant mothers, grandparents and community members with compromised immune systems. 

If your child is unwell and has been given panadol or neurofen type medications, please do not send them to kindergarten. These medications can mask symptoms and make it hard for kindergarten staff to be able to monitor a child's wellness. 

Please also note that if your child becomes unwell during a kindergarten session, we will contact you to collect your child early from the session. 

We do not have facilities to keep an unwell child at kindergarten.