Student Wellbeing 

Wellbeing News

Parent Information Sessions

Last year, the Brookside Wellbeing Team began a series of Parent Information Sessions to provide parents/guardians with information and resources tackling topics that young people may be facing within our current society. 

We have been very privileged to be able to provide supplementary information that hope to encourage parents/guardians to be involved in their children’s wellbeing. We provide strategies that are practical and realistic, as well as integrate readily available materials that are easy to utilize.


The previous presentations on mental health, puberty, anxiety, and parent separation have been a great success and our upcoming sessions aim to cater to the requested needs of our audience.

These sessions also provide the opportunity to meet others who may have similar concerns and to raise questions to the Wellbeing Team of the school. Through this, we hope to encourage interactions within the school community by creating a warm and open environment for parents and guardians.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to those who have attended our previous presentations and we would really encourage more of you to come and join us! Please look forward to our upcoming session that will be in Term 2 on the topic of Bullying.


The Brookside Wellbeing Team