Year 3-6 Sector

Year 3 News

In year 3 we have been learning about the convicts in the First Fleet in PBL.


In writing we have been talking about persuasive text and facts and opinions. We have been doing contentions and we are focusing on the introduction. It has a hook, a contention and three arguments.


In reading we have been inferring and predicting. Predicting is when we think what is going to happen next. Inferring is using your prior knowledge and text clues to understand what is happening.

In maths we have been learning addition and subtraction and we have been solving questions using lots of different strategies. In P.E. we have been learning our skills for the athletics carnival.


We have been practicing high jump with different things like cricket bats. It has been lots of fun!

We have also been doing some fun activities in science while we are learning about living and non-living things. And in French we are learning about numbers, months and days of the week.

From Esra and Kiyara