Learning and Teaching

Sandhurst Arts on Show

Last Monday, the year 5/6 students were invited to an ASPA performance. The students performed their dance to the song, “Plastic”. At the beginning of the busy day we spent time with students from other schools doing fun dances and learning about music. Before the show started, all the students sang the Acknowledgment of Country together. Some parents came to watch us sing and dance in our school groups. There were lots of great singers and dancers who performed. Overall, the students loved the day and thought it was absolutely fabulous.

Grade 5 & 6 Excursion - Kyabram Fauna Park


Last Thursday, the year 5/6 students went on an excursion to the Kyabram Fauna Park. The students were split into their class groups and walked around the park looking for animals to do a report on and make observations of them. Most of the students enjoyed the meerkats  because they were new and you could interact with them through the glass. They were so cute and made us laugh. 

We also got to walk through a massive fenced area and fed kangaroos and one of them had a joey in their pouch which came out when the Panthers class was there. Both classes got to pat the dingos through a wire fence, which was really cool. Both classes got to go into an interactive cage with many colourful birds inside. 

The students loved to see all the animals and learn about what they do and see them in their enclosures. Both classes joined together for an educational lesson with one of the keepers (Caitlyn) who showed us some cool animals and told us many facts about them all. We got to touch them too! It was an awesome excursion and we all had so much fun! 



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Week 1 Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
 Physical EducationMathematics

Visual Art

Technologies (3 - 6)



Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10
 English - Writing

Performing Arts


InquiryGeneral Comment

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Physical Education lessons are offered every week for all students.

FLSWednesday and Friday 
1/2ESWednesday and Friday 
1/2CSWednesday and Friday 
3/4FBTuesday and Friday
3/4JDTuesday and Friday
5/6PSTuesday and Friday
5/6YLTuesday and Friday