Global Citizen Awards & Assembly Performances

Students will be presented with the GCA certificates at assembly at 3:00pm on Monday 12th September

Parents are welcome to attend. Mask wearing is strongly recommended.


Asha D  -  Persistence

Asha has shown great persistence when completing her writing tasks. She is always willing to have a go and tries her best to sound all her words independently. Well done Asha!

Aariv B  -  Persistence 

Aariv has shown a great deal of persistence when completing his weekly words spelling activities, every night. It is wonderful to see his confidence growing in the classroom due to his efforts. Keep up the great work Aariv!


Year 1

Henry W  -  Quality Learning

Henry displayed great interest and enthusiasm throughout our excursion to the Collingwood Children’s Farm. He asked some impressive questions to further his learning about plants and animals. Keep it up Henry!

Alvie Q  -  Quality Learning

For always applying yourself and giving work tasks your absolute best effort.


Year 2

Sophie H  -  Quality Learning

Sophie has shown great perseverance during our writing sessions. She continues to display great enthusiasm in her tasks and works hard to improve her writing.

Piper G  -  Quality Learning

For her determination, excellent focus and positive mindset to complete all learning tasks to a high standard. Well done!


Year 3

Brian S  -  Quality Learning

Brian consistently demonstrates the school values and has a positive attitude towards each learning task put to him. Well done Brian!

Mia Li  -  Respect

For epitomising the school value of respect by consistently using her manners, listening attentively and helping others.


Year 4 

Ryder S  -  Quality Learning

Ryder is able to apply his excellent knowledge of angles to identify or calculate a missing angle where there are intersecting straight lines.  

Charlie D  -  Persistence

Charlie has worked hard to develop strategies to keep his belongings organised and diary up to date.


Year 5 

Harper C  -  Quality Learning

For always having a positive attitude to her learning, and presenting her work to an extremely high standard.

Mia N  -  Respect

Always showing respect to everyone in the school community. Mia is also incredibly kind and inclusive. You are a great role model Mia!

Jules P  -  Excellence

For his focus and attention given to the skill of multi-digit multiplication and setting his maths book out to show his thinking. Keep it up Jules!


Year 6

Maia K  -  Quality Learning 

For demonstrating focus and hardwork towards meeting her goals in Reading, Writing and Maths and presenting professionally at her student led conference.

Zoe W  -  Excellence

For consistently applying herself to her learning and setting a high standard for herself to achieve at all times. Keep it up, Zoe!

Ruby M  -  Quality Learning

For consistently striving to complete work to a high standard and working hard to achieve learning goals.