From the Principal's Desk

Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, learn and play. We pay respect to Wurundjeri elders past, present and future and extend our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families of Montmorency South Primary School.
Dear Monty South Community,
Country and Culture Day is our annual event to celebrate our many and diverse First Nations people and cultures. For our younger students, today was their first experience of this special event as we have had to cancel it for the last two years due to Covid. We are so excited to be able to hold this event again. It is an opportunity for all our students to participate in a range of hands-on activities and to learn first-hand from a variety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators. Activities this year included dance, ochre painting, yidaki (didgeridoo) lessons, damper making, boomerang throwing and much more.
It is one of our traditional school celebrations that mean so much to us as a community. We feel so very lucky to be able to run these events and connect with local indigenous educators and others who are passionate about promoting indigenous perspectives and sustainability practices. Together we can all stand up and be the voice of change.
We thank all our families for their support, and I also want to thank Tara Di Bondi who makes this day all possible. Her efforts are amazing and we are in awe of her commitment to our school and raising our awareness.
We hope you and your family enjoy a lovely school holiday break together and we look forward to seeing you all back for the beginning of Term 4 on Monday 3 October.
MSPS Achievers
Congratulations to Daniel Jurdi (3A) who competed last week in the state gymnastic qualifiers and came 2nd. He is now through to Victorian State Championships for the Men's Artistic Gymnastics! What a fantastic effort Daniel. Well done and good luck for the State Championships.
NAPLAN results were posted to all families of Year 3 and 5 students. Please expect them in your mailbox any day now.
Thanks to Banyule City Council
This week Banyule Council donated over 300 established plants from their nursery. We are thrilled to receive these plants to not only to replace plants that have died or been trampled on, but also to plant out the embankment on Reichelt Ave that was cleared but never planted when the new playground was constructed last year. We want to extend a huge thank you to the Council for this donation.
Special thanks to Oli Lee (3B) for growing plants for a new garden bed outside the Prep classrooms. Oli grew small tube stock plants into established plants at home over the last 12 months especially for school. He spent his lunchtime yesterday planting them together with his Mum, Danielle. This long term goal to improve your school environment, together with your efforts to care for your plants is truly impressive and you are to be commended. Thank you so much Oli. Thanks also to Danielle Lee who helped source the 300 plants from Banyule Council for us.
COVID-19 isolation requirements have changed
Any student or staff member who tests positive to COVID-19 must now isolate for a minimum of 5 days instead of 7. If they are asymptomatic, they may return to school on day 6. If they are symptomatic, they must remain in isolation until day 7. If they have symptoms after 7 days, they are strongly advised to stay home until their symptoms have resolved.
As an additional risk mitigation, the Department of Health strongly recommends that those leaving isolation wear a face mask when away from home, both indoors and outdoors, and when they cannot physically distance. Those leaving isolation on day 6 should wear a mask for 5 days but particularly the first 2 days. Those leaving isolation on day 7 should wear a mask for 4 days but particularly the first 2 days.
School Council Update
School Council met this week. We would like to share with you the discussions and considerations from School Council.
Pupil-free day
In accordance with the new Victorian Government Schools Agreement, an additional Professional Practice Day has been allocated for staff in Term 4, 2022. This day has been scheduled for Friday 18th November. This will be a pupil-free day. Camp Australia will provide services for OSHC on this day.
Facilities and Grounds
- We have been investigating the cost and practicality of installing fences around the school grounds.
- We have decided to proceed with paving the school entrance at Reichelt Ave at the rear of the school, nearby the Bush Block. We have school pavers stamped with student/family names and drawings that were removed when the new building was constructed. These pavers will be re-installed in this area.
- Our new outdoor classroom funded by the VSBA is almost complete. We have been waiting for some time now on our shade sail to be installed. It is expected to be completed next term. We are currently seeking quotes for permanent outdoor furniture for under this shade sail.
- We have also received quotes to replace the breezeway between the kitchen portable and the French room. Quotes for this have proven too costly so is something we will not be proceeding with in the short term.
- We recently applied for a Banyule City Council grant to fund the purchase and installation of 3 new sets of bike hoops around the school grounds. If successful, this will enable an additional 24 bikes to be parked and locked (students to provide their own locks) up at school. We hope this will encourage more students to ride to school, and for those already riding, it will provide a specific place for them to leave their bikes during the day.
Parents’ & Friends’ Events
Halloween Movie Night – Thursday 27th October, 6-9pm
Whilst the movie is still being finalised, make sure you save the date for a great night in our school gym. Bring your beanbags, blankets, Oodies and snacks for a spooky night of fun for all. This is the first movie night for a few years due to covid and P&F are excited to be hosting it once again as it is favourite event on the P&F calendar.
Paint & Sip Social evening – Friday 18th Nov, 6-9pm
Parents’ and Friends’ are hosting a creative and social Friday night out for parents, carer and friends of Monty South in the school gym. Tickets $55 per person + b/f (BYO picnic incl. all food/drink) -
Choose a canvas image you wish to paint and purchase that ticket, bring your picnic and have fun with a group of friends or meet new friends. This is a social event only and not a fundraising activity so we have passed on the cost of materials from our supplier at direct to you.
Reminder - “Hat’s on”
We still have many students still not bringing hats to school. All students must wear a hat outside. If no hat, students will have to play during lunch and recess in the undercroft area. Please ensure that your child has a hat next term.
Dates for the diary - Term 4
- Monday 3rd October – Term Starts
- Wednesday 5th October – World Teacher’s Day
- Thurs 20th October – Whole school casual dress – 1980s theme. Gold coin donation
- Monday 31st October - Pupil-free Curriculum Day (day before Melb Cup)
- Friday 18th November - Pupil-free Day (Professional Practice Day)
- Week 7 & 8 (15-24 Nov) – School swimming program (details to be advised)
- Mon-Weds 28th to 30th November – Year 4 Camp (3 days/2 nights - Allambee)
- Wednesday 7th December – Carols by Candlelight at 6.30pm
- Wednesday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation
- Thurs/Fri 15 & 16 December – Year 3 Camp (2 days/1 night)
- Monday 19th December – Whole School Assembly last day of school (3.30pm dismissal)
- Tuesday 20th December - Pupil-free Curriculum Day
Leanne Sheean
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve