
Why I love boarding – Theo McIntyre

Theo is in Year 10 and from Melbourne. He has relatives in Horsham and his family decided upon a move from Melbourne for Theo to grow up in the fresh country air and to enrol in a school within a community. Theo certainly discovered boarding has its challenges when he started this year, but has relished in the environment and the experiences the school offers. A highlight has been the Central Australia Trip.


Here are a few words from Theo:

Boarding is good because it gives me the opportunity to have a new schooling experience away from home. This has taught me how to better look after myself and be responsible for my choices. As a Year 10 boarder I have learnt how to do my own laundry and keep my room tidy. The space from home that boarding offers has allowed me time to work out who I am and who I want to become. With the after-school help at the Senior School library, I have been able to get extra homework done and when I have fallen behind, it is a good time for me to get help and catch up. 


In the Boarding House, we have students from foreign countries such as Cambodia, Hong Kong and Dubai. Boarding is inclusive for every boarder, old and new. We have three common rooms and we have a huge projector screen, pool table, tennis table, basketball and tennis courts. Boarders walk to and from school each day which is about 2km’s, but I choose to ride my bike. I’m happy to be a boarder in the country and feel that I am learning new and important skills, but of course I also miss home and seeing friends and family in Melbourne.


Gapper - Zahria van Kierk

Hamilton in a nutshell has been an experience and a definite change to home, I’m adjusting to the weather and enjoying experiencing so many different things. Even though I still don’t understand the concept of footy, I’ve been rather intrigued and so are the friends and family back home when I tried to describe to them how it works. I’m looking forward to learning more through the AFL finals.


The College family made me feel at home the moment I arrived and working with the Sports Department in the Senior School helped me ease into the daily routines and find my feet. The juniors at Myrniong have stollen my heart, and I am thrilled to have joined the College family and am loving the experience thus far.

Save the dates:

  • Boarding House closes for Term 3 - Friday September 16 at 6pm.
  • Bus travellers for Melbourne (Southern Cross station) - depart Friday September 16 at 3:30pm.
  • Bus travellers for Naracoorte - depart Friday September 16 at 3pm.
  • Boarding House opens for Term 4 - Monday October 3 from midday.
  • Naracoorte bus departs Naracoorte - Monday October 3 at 4pm (SA time).
  • Term Four begins - Tuesday October 4.

Casual boarding

Have you ever considered casual boarding? With our after-school programs in full-swing and our day school students taking these opportunities with determination our boarding houses can offer a comfortable place for an evening or two. When a casual boarder finishes their after-school commitment they are able to be picked up by our driver and brought back to the boarding house. Here they enjoy dinner, academic assistance, super supper (on a Wednesday), a warm and comfortable bed for the night with breakfast and lunch the following day. Casual boarding is becoming a popular choice for families and their children of all ages, and I encourage any family to consider this option for their son or daughter.


If you would like to trial boarding, experience the benefits of casual boarding or simply enquire about boarding in general please do not hesitate in contacting Susie Holcombe or myself.


Best wishes,



Andrew Monk

Head of Boarding