Myrniong - ELC to Yr 6

Student Voice

Student voice is one way we show students they are important and valued. They have various groups, such as SRC and KidsMatter, they can be a part of through lunchtime activities where their opinions and thoughts are shared to provide ways to improve their environment and relationships.  Standing up in front of an audience also promotes this and allows students to develop their confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. It starts in front of their peers in the classroom and builds up to standing out the front at Assembly or a House Service. We encourage this from an early age and if you watch and listen to those presenting it looks like it comes naturally. Like all things, the more we do it the better we get at it and speaking is no different. Unlike breathing, speaking is entirely voluntary. We could quite easily stop speaking without suffering any physical harm. Speaking and listening adds to our social and emotional learning and thus we encourage it in every facet of school life. It comes easier for some than others but through support of those around them, children at Myrniong are more than willing to have a go. Today I share a few areas where children shine in front of an audience.


On the radio

Harriet from Year Six and Herbie in Prep took a trip to the local radio station to produce an advertisement promoting the College and spoke with such confidence. This was fostered from all the times they have addressed an audience, both incidentally and formally during their school day.


Year One Assembly

What a great show we witnessed in the Simons Auditorium on Wednesday when the multi-talented Year One students took to the stage with their performance of ‘Marge in Charge’. There was singing, dancing and acting and they even had us join in with some of their tribal grooves. If you have read any of Isla Fisher’s books in the series, you will already know the babysitter like no other and how much fun Marge is to be around. One Marge was not enough for this class as they all took on the role of the main character, dressed in wonderful costumes and showed off heads of multi coloured hair. Well done to them all. 


Berry House Service

I invite you to join us on Wednesday 7 September at the Uniting Church for the Berry House Service. Their theme will focus on Optimism, one of our five school values. Start time is 12.20 pm.


On Thursday, Berry will continue to show their flare with a fundraiser for Red Kite which provides support for families who have a child with cancer. They are organising a kite making activity at lunchtime and I look forward to seeing a sea of red in the air above the oval.


We have encouraged each House and their leaders to organise a fundraiser and some fun activities this year. Our leaders have been quite thoughtful and creative in relating the charity to their House colour and dressing in that colour for the whole of Myrniong.  Let’s support our leaders and these wonderful charities by remembering to bring a gold coin donation and in this case wearing red, as much as you like or just a touch, it’s up to you. Maggie and Harley will send home a note with the details.


Star Students

Year One – Annie Cain, Eva Solum

Year Two – Lachlan Pickford

Year Three – Hugo Cameron

Year Five – Anyemah Clottey

Year Six – Will Sweeney, Harley Kearns, Harriet Stacy, Maggie Mercer, Oscar Hawthorne


Pride In Uniform Award

Archie Barber, Year Three


Student Achievements

Whilst our Star Student awards celebrate learning within the classroom, outside school pursuits are also exciting to mention. Eva Solum in Year One is taking part in the MS Readathon. She set herself a target of reading 100 books and raising $500 and she has achieved these goals. That is a tremendous effort. The MS Readathon has been inspiring children to read for 45 years. I love to share the achievements of students, especially when they involve books, one of my favourite things. Whether you are reading by yourself or enjoying being read to, reading can take you on incredible journeys of discovery. I look forward to celebrating reading some more as the Premier’s Reading Challenge draws to a close this week. 



We have a number of students from Years 3-6 representing the school in a golf tournament next week. This will be a great opportunity to put their learning into practise as they have been taking part in golf lessons during PE with Mrs Patterson. Such a day could not go ahead without our wonderful parent helpers, so I take this opportunity to thank them.



All students from Years 3–6 have had the opportunity to compete in the Bebras Computational Challenge within their classrooms. Bebras is an international initiative that aims to promote computational thinking. It happens in almost 50 countries and was designed to get students excited about computing. It is a great way to develop problem solving skills as students are required to break down complex tasks into manageable steps whilst also using logic.


Teacher Aide Appreciation Week

It is Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation week this week. We would like to acknowledge the dedication of our Learning Support Assistants, Bernadine Kelvy, Java Nuriyeva Palmer, Gab Lanman and Kellie Mitchell. These indefatigable women work with children experiencing a range of difficulties in the classroom and demonstrate amazing ingenuity, compassion, flexibility and insight. We acknowledge that in supporting these students, they also support all the other students in the class, the teachers and parents. Our school is a richer and more inclusive environment because of them.



The Legacy Week appeal has been running since the 1940’s and is a time for all Australian to show their support for the widows and children whose loved ones have served our country.  Legacy badges, pens and wristbands are on sale at the Myrniong Reception.  Funds raised through the sale of these items make a big impact in the lives of our veterans’ families.


Year Two Assembly & Farewell Dr Hirst

Following the Year Two Assembly on Wednesday, we ask you to join us for tea and coffee in the Refectory from 1 pm to farewell and thank Dr. Hirst for his dedication to our Junior School community. 


Mrs Bernadette Milich

Acting Head of Junior School