Parents and Friends

On behalf of The Hamilton and Alexandra College Parents’ and Friends’ Association we would like to extend our enormous gratitude to Dr Andrew Hirst for the past seven years of exceptional energy, dedication and care that he has shown to our parents, the College community but most importantly to our children. His warm and happy greetings will be sadly missed along with his understanding that young people need nothing other than love and belief in themselves to thrive as students and as unique individuals, all having unique talents and gifts that must be cherished and supported. 


We wish Dr Hirst, Kristina and their family a well deserved break together and hope that they know they are always welcome back to Hamilton and to our school. The pandemic has been an incredible historic event that has made us as parents truly appreciate the skill and adaptability with which our teachers, led by Dr Hirst, as they revolutionised the delivery remote learning. Our children have been placed in the enviable position of succeeding above expectations throughout the two tumultuous years of lockdowns. 


His support of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association has been endless and his wish that the P&F not only provides vital fundraising for the school but in Dr Hirst’s words, ‘friend raising’ is the priority. This sets a compass that we continue to follow - a legacy of welcoming, warmth and united purpose. 


We would like to extend an invitation to all Parent’s, Alumni, and College community to a farewell gathering for Dr Hirst on the last day of term. This will be held in the Tim Murray Room in the Kantor Family Music and Performing Arts Centre at 2.30pm.   This will be an opportunity thank our wonderful Principal in person. 


Amanda Nagorcka

President Parents and Friends