From the 



Dear Parents / Carers,


Last week we celebrated Book Week. Children's Book Week is a special time when Australians celebrate books and the gift of reading with children.

Do you love to read? I do! Each day I am grateful for the gift of reading. I read to learn, to explore new worlds and to enjoy myself. I cannot imagine a life without reading. 


The ability to read not only enriches our lives, but it also enriches those around us. Literacy also helps to keep ourselves and others safer and healthier. We can travel to different times and places with a book. We can also travel more safely in life by being able to read road signs, emergency directions, or medication instructions.


I would like to thank our families for supporting our students to transform into book characters. The enclosed movie was made to share the celebration of the day with our families.


We are in the final stages of rehearsal for our 2022 Senior School Production of the music- drama, “Beauty and the Beast” which will be performed at the Drum Theatre on Tuesday 6 September and Wednesday 7 September.


Student involvement in a school musical improves a student's self-esteem, thinking skills, listening skills, creative abilities, and personal expression.


There are a limited number of tickets available over the two nights as many of our Foundation Students and their families together with the extended families of our Senior Students are joining us over the two nights. Bookings can be made via the link below 



We are very fortunate to have a drop off and pick up zone in Simon Avenue. Whilst this helps to lessen some of the congestion in the street, all users need to be aware that both before and after school is an extremely busy and potentially dangerous time. Hence, we must take care in ensuring that all drivers and pedestrians act and/or drive safely.


For the safety of ourselves, our students, our neighbours and all who use Simon Avenue, nearby streets and/or the school’s drop-off zone, the following reminders are given:

  • The school’s drop off zone is only a 1-2 minute parking spot. Any longer than this and you could be booked by the police or the Knox Council Local By Laws Officer. 

General usage guidelines include the following:

  • When your car pulls alongside the double yellow lines on the footpath, this is when children need to get in or out of the car. It is not appropriate to stop several times alongside the yellow lines and keep the children in the car until they get out.
  • Children are to get in or out of the car on the pavement side.
  • If you arrive early at pick up time, please ensure your child/ren are prompt at getting to the drop off zone. It’s not fair that you stay parked for 10 minutes waiting for your family to arrive.
  • In the morning, say good-byes at home, before you get in the car and make sure your child has their bag ready so that they can get out of the car quickly. Stopping to get bags out of the boot or put jackets on slows the traffic down and adds to the street congestion.
  • Parking in the drop off zone through the day is not permitted.
  • At pick up time, children are to wait safely behind the yellow lines and not step across these until a car has stopped. Drivers are asked to keep moving forward and not leave parking space in front. Children are expected to walk up to where their car has stopped rather than be picked up exactly where they are standing.

At times, for safety and organisational reasons, the drop off / pick up zone will be temporarily closed owing to the arrival / departure of buses (camps, excursions, sport). Where practicable, prior notice will be given.


We congratulate Mr Tyszkiewcz and his wife on the safe arrival of his daughter Madeline Maeve. 



Anne Babich
