Senior School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 7 September
General Achievement Test
Friday 9 September
Year 11 Studio Art excursion to NGV
Wednesday 14 September
Year 10 Roadsmart program
Year 12 Headspace Breakfast
Thursday 15 September
Last day of classes for Term 3, normal finish time 3.15pm
Friday 16 September
Professional Practice Day (teachers & staff)
Students work from home using Compass lesson plans
Term 4
Thursday 29 September
VTAC Timely Course applications close
Monday 3 - Wednesday 5 October
Unit 3/4 Trial Exams
Friday 7 October
VTAC Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) applications close
Tuesday 18 October
Year 12 Final Day
Wednesday 19 October
Year 12 Celebration Day
week beginning 31 October
Senior VCAL final week
Friday 18 November
Year 12 Valedictory & Year 12 Yearbook
GAT Reminder
For the GAT this Wednesday:
- Arrive by 9:00 am
- Check the seating plan as provided via MS Teams
- Bring the following items into the GAT:
- An English/Bilingual printed dictionary and scientific calculator can be taken into both sections of the GAT
- Pens, pencils and an eraser.
- DO NOT bring phones or smart watches into the exam, they must be in lockers prior to coming down to the exam location.
- You can wear free dress
Good luck everyone!
Year 12 2023 Jacket Design
If you're a current Year 11 student interested in designing the Year 12 Jackets for 2023, head over to W1 this Friday (9th) at lunchtime. Mr Tennent will be running a webex with Reform Clothing to learn about the design process and how this can be completed.
Master Classes
Master Classes resume on Wednesday 30 August for Year 12s. Come to P Block in period 4 and subject teachers will be available to assist students with any queries.