Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Thursday 15 September
Year 7 Celebration Assembly, 2pm
Last day of classes for Term 3, normal finish time 3.15pm
Friday 16 September
Professional Practice Day (teachers & staff)
Students work from home using Compass lesson plans
Interested in becoming a Peer Leader?
Applications for current Year 8 students to join the 2023 Peer Leader program close on Wednesday 8 September.
Fill out the attached application form here and drop it by at the Junior School Office:
Online Safety in DiSCovery
Last week our Year 7 and 8 students attended a presentation on 'The Internet & the Law' in their DiSCovery classes, delivered by the eSafety Commissioner (The Internet and the Law | eSafety Commissioner). The lesson involved looking at case studies on online behaviour and how to report inappropriate posts.
We encourage our parents to have a conversation with their child about what they learnt.
Year 7 Camp Weekaway
Just a reminder for families that consent and payment for the Year 7 Camp Weekaway is due during the school holidays, by Monday 3 October, on Compass.
Camp dates are:
- Group 1: Monday 21 - Wednesday 23 November
- Group 2: Wednesday 23 - Friday 25 November
Weekaway Camp is situated north of Lancefield, 67km from Tullamarine airport. The Weekaway website features a great introductory video that we recommend families watch together.
2023 Year 9 Victorian Young Leaders Program
The Victorian Young Leaders to India (VYL India) offers a transformative six-week virtual journey for Year 9 students in 2023. The program will have students engaging in meaningful online partnerships to develop global understandings, use design thinking to develop a STEM project, enhance intercultural capability, and explore the diversity of Indian culture through guided peer interactions.
This program will be starting in Term 1 of 2023 for Year 9 students. Therefore if you are a Year 8 student this year who is interested in this program, please either email/Teams message Mr. Leung or come to see him at the middle school office before the end of this term. Applicants will be shortlisted and there may be an interview process in Term 4.