Engagement & Wellbeing 

Respectful Behaviours Within the School Community Policy

Dear Parents & Carers,


When parents, carers and school staff work together as one team, our students do better. Everyone at school, particularly staff and parents/carers, play a role in making school a better place for learning and work.


Parents, carers and school staff have a relationship that can last many years. This is an opportunity to work together to create a positive relationship in the best interests of the child. When this relationship is built on respect and trust, students learn better and feel like they belong in the school.


Every member of our school community has a right to feel safe and be protected.


The Department of Education and Training has released the Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy that describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults.


There are also resources to support safe and respectful relationships in our school community, including information about getting involved in the school, advice on how to raise a concern or complaint, and parenting support resources. You can find the new policy and these resources here.


You may also see a new poster up around our school, promoting positive behaviour.


For more information on how to engage positively with our school, please contact our school office.

Fathers Day Stall - Friday 2nd September

Things are on track for our Father’s Day stall on Friday 2nd September. This is an opportunity for our students to learn more about gratitude and give thanks to the dads and male role models in their lives. All gifts will be $5. More details to follow as we get closer to the date. 

ABC & ROCCH Awards

It was fabulous to see so many students from grades prep, one and two receive ABC awards for doing some fabulous things at school - well done!


Congratulations also to our recent grade 3/4 award recipients on showcasing the school values and being recognised with a ROCCH award!