Specialist News

Specialist Feature News: Indonesian

Selamat siang semua,


With a sea of red and white, MPRPS opened its doors on Wednesday 17th and Indonesian Day began! 

What a phenomenal day of colour, celebration, craft and music! This year we invited Sanggar Lestari, an Indonesian dance and cultural group to help run our Indonesian Day. Bu Ningsih and Pak Peter taught the senior school on Wednesday how to play the angklung (3/4 students) or create a gorgeous piece of batik (5/6)! All teachers leapt on board with enthusiasm to create different activities to rotate through across the day, with dress ups, mask craft, shadow puppets and sarong soccer only being a few! Junior school kept their enthusiasm running until Friday where they were able to watch and learn some Indonesian Dance moves, with Sanggar Lestari returning for the day! It was wonderful to share our new Angklung and Mau Mere dance skills with the whole school community on Friday during Recess Radio. We loved seeing all the teachers getting into the dance as well!

I’d like to say a big terima kasih to Bu Yana Gill as well as the staff on the Indonesian Day Team, who helped provide so much support and brainstorm brilliant ideas for the day.

I’d also like to do a huge terima to Arini Kosasih and Winda Jacobs for coming in and volunteering their time to support our students!

Terima kasih,

Bu Mundy


For 5/6 students who need to remove the wax from their batik piece


1.'Sandwich' your batik cloth between two pieces of paper towel. Put one or two pieces on top of your batik and one or two pieces underneath.


2.Using an iron (with an adult to supervise), carefully iron over the paper towel.


3. The wax from the batik should have melted and will now stick to the paper towel. Carefully remove the paper towel and display your batik piece!

Pupil of the Week:

Performing Arts

Junior: Jasmyra C (1/2K)

For demonstrating outstanding dance skills when rehearsing for the Junior Production 'A Time For Music'.  Jasmyra remembered the movements and positioning of the class dance helping to guide other students in the class. Well Done!


Senior: Tom M (3/4H)

For demonstrating outstanding musicality and focus during the Indonesian day Angklung workshop. Tom played the Angklung in time with the notation and on a steady beat.  Well done!

Physical Education

Junior: Oliver M (1/2K)

For always displaying zest and a love of learning in P.E every week. The joy and enthusiastic approach you bring to every task has resulted in a significant growth in all movement areas. Brilliant Work!


Senior: Sienna V (5/6W)

Thank you Sienna for coming to P.E every week with a smile and a drive to learn and extend your specialized movement skills. You always demonstrate teamwork, leadership and kindness in every task you approach. Thank you for being you!

Visual Arts

Junior: Tattva D (1/2DT)

For demonstrating perseverance and teamwork when painting your Indonesian Topeng Mask. You worked with your partner to plan your colours and style before collaborating to carefully paint your paper mache. Amazing work Tattva!


Senior: Harish U (5/6EB) 

For demonstrating zest and a love of learning when creating your own Batik design in Art. You worked hard to create a unique design and applied this to your learning during the Batik incursion. Well done Harish!


Junior: Viru H (FJ)

For demonstrating zest and curiosity during our rotations celebrating Indonesian culture! You worked well with your team to play the different games and create a class display. Hebat!


Senior: Abi K (5/6D)

For once again showing independence in Indonesian! Your Indonesian menu is looking phenomenal, and your leadership and confidence is growing in leaps and bounds. Bagus sekali!