Principal's Message

Term 3 Week 7 2022

Curriculum Day - School Vision 

To provide a safe, innovative and engaging setting which inspires students to achieve personal growth and feel empowered to make a positive impact in the world around them.

Last week, part of our Curriculum Day was dedicated to reviewing our school vision to ensure we, as staff, have a shared understanding of our school vision. We worked in groups to unpack our vision statement, identifying actions we currently do to support it and want we endeavour it to look like in the future. It is said that ‘a picture tells a thousand words’ so the teachers were then given the challenge to create a visual to represent our school vision. We have some very creative staff at MPRPS and it was interesting to see the different interpretation. It is now time to take it out to our school community! Next week all students will be given the opportunity to create their own visual representation of the school vision with their families as part of our Home Talk.. We encourage families to get involved and help their child with some ideas/inspiration or even creating the visual. These will all be on display in the hall for you to have a look at. The aim is to work towards creating our visual of our school vision with input from staff, students and our community. 

Indonesian Day 

We were fortunate to have a dancing and musical plus batik incursions and crafts and sports all had an Indonesian flavour. Wednesday saw students and staff drees up in the colour of the Indonesian flag or traditional dress. 

On Friday Recess Radio featured all the leaning students had accomplished across the week. It was such an exciting way to end the week. Thank you to Bu Mundy and Mrs Gill for all of their passion and enthusiasm in getting the school organised to celebrate.

Science Night  - Foundation and Kinder

We are back! What a great way to celebrate Science Week and one the events on our Prep Transition  Calendar. A huge thank you to Brooke Henwood and Kate Molloy for all of their organisation. We did have discussions that many of our staff had not experienced a Science Night at MPRPS&K so they were all blown away by the enthusiasm and large number of our families who came along. We are so grateful to be able to put these events back on and thank all the families who came along and for their ki8nd words as they explored magnets, space created telephones and quacking ducks and much more.

Tournament of the Minds

After collaborating and problem-solving for four weeks, students participating in the Tournament of Minds presented their challenges at Deakin, Burwood last Saturday. Students in teams of 7 presented their long-term challenges which could not exceed 10 minutes. The day also saw the groups participate in a spontaneous challenge where they were given a short amount of time to prepare and present to a panel of judges.  

The teams were:

Students who are part of a Tournament Of Minds team learn to work together with other team members, make decisions, solve problems and communicate effectively with one another. Tournament of Minds is an opportunity for students with a passion for learning and problem solving to demonstrate their skills and talents in an exciting, vibrant and public way.  It was great to hear that strong friendships had been established over the time they spent planning their challenges.

We thank all of the students for committing to their challenges over the past four weeks and to the parents and family members who attended last Saturday. Thank you to to the teachers who committed extra time to supervising their teams: Mrs.Rock (for organising the event too), Mr. Jenkins, Ms.Bennetts, Miss Nelson, Mr. Dix, Miss Wang and Mr. Shaw.

We look forward to giving other 5/6 students the opportunity to participate in Tournament of Minds in 2024.

Book Week: Monday 22nd -

 Friday 26th August 

Book Week is here! Students in all learning centres are engaging with texts that are nominated for the Children's Book Council Awards. In addition, there are a number of events we will be holding to celebrate our love of books!


Shared reading will occur on Tuesday 23rd August: During lunch eating time, students will be able to choose a book they would like to hear being read from a different teacher within their Junior or Senior school. 


Our Book Week Parade will be held on Thursday 25th August from 2:30-3:30pm. Weather permitting, it will be held in the courtyard. If it is raining, we will hold separate Kinder/Junior and Senior parades indoors. We look forward to seeing many different book characters and for students to have the opportunity to share their favourite characters!


Finally, we will have our author visit Incursion with Michael Wagner on Tuesday 30st August. Michael has written a wide range of children's books such as 'Maxx Rumble' and 'Dog Wars'. Each learning centre will have an hour session learning all about his inspiration and the writing process. 

Great Book Swap 

Every school who registers for the Great Book Swap is assigned one of five Aboriginal language houses named after animal characters found in the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) books.

We are part of Lungkura House. Lungkura in Walmajarri translates as blue-tongued lizard. The many members of our house around Australia have so far raised a total of $32, 345.63. If you would like to directly donate to Lungkura House head to:

Thank you to all those families who have donated pre-loved books – we have already filled 2 large tubs. We are accepting donations until Friday 26th August. It would be great to have a large range of chapter books as well as picture story books.