Parents & Friends 

🎁The Father's Day/Special Person's Day Stall is on next week. If you’re able to help out for the school stall on Friday 2nd September, it would be very much appreciated. We need at least 6 helpers per session to make it run smoothly, and it’s always a great chance to meet other parents and the kids love seeing their parent on the stall.

Sign up here ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


📚The Great Book Swap is on again. 

To coincide with Indigenous Literacy Day, the school will be running a second hand book stall on Thursday the 8th of September. 

It’s time to start hunting through your bookshelves and donating any books that you are no longer interested in rereading. Donations of books can be left at the front Reception. 

Please have all donations in by Friday 26th of August. 

We will be sorting booking into age levels on Tuesday 30th August and Wednesday 31st of August and any volunteers to help with sorting will be most welcome. We will also need some help on Thursday 8th September to run the book stall, so please get in touch if you’re interested in helping. 


✏️The P&F Meeting is on tonight - Monday 22nd August - at 5pm. Everyone is welcome! 


🎂I’ve popped the Cake Raffle Roster for the rest of the year up in the parent Facebook Group and there is a printed copy up in the school foyer. If you’re able to donate a prize for one of the raffle dates, it would be really appreciated. I do realise that some of our families might not be in a position to give any extra at the moment. 

The Cake Raffle is on Wednesdays for the Juniors, and Fridays for the Seniors, and the winners are drawn at Assembly. 

Thank you very much to Ling Ling and the Symon’s Family for donating last week’s prizes. The total amount raised was $48. 


👍🏻 If you haven’t already, please join the Parents Facebook group:

It is a great place to stay up to date with school events and connect with fellow parents. Please remember to answer the two questions when you request to join. 


📪If you would like more information regarding the Parents & Friends community, the email address is or you can find me through the Parent Facebook Group. 


Flip McKinnon

Parents & Friends Co-ordinator