Years 3 - 6 Community 

February 2022

Welcome to 2022

A very warm welcome to our Year 3-6 students and their families to the first edition of our College newsletter for 2022.

On each campus for the first few weeks of the term, our students have been getting back into our school routines and this has been supported by an extensive starting right program that has been rolled out in all levels of learning across the College. 

At Northern Bay College, we believe in setting up all students to be successful learners at the beginning of each year by running our Starting Right Program. The starting right program helps students get used to new routines in their classrooms, supports learning, helps with making new peer connections and encourages persistence and resilience. In addition, we have also begun the year with a starting right program for the learning areas of maths, reading and writing to help further support our students develop strong and positive early habits for their learning. 

Another exciting aspect of the beginning of the school year is the introduction of the Chromebooks to our classrooms across Years 3-6. It has been fantastic to see our students bringing their Chromebooks to school each day in their protective bags and taking such good care of them. The students have made labels for their device and are enjoying exploring the many new features of them.

Our Year 3/4s are getting used to wearing masks during class time and learning healthy routines including hand-washing, sanitizing and disposal of masks to ensure they are COVID safe whenever possible.

Independent Reading
Independent Reading

There are many exciting things happening this term for the students in Years 3-6 during Term 1. The HASS topic for the term is History, The students will be learning about: Significant events in local and Australian history which brought about change, and the different perspectives these events can be seen from. 

At the conclusion of the History unit we aim for our students to be able to critically think about events that have taken place and reflect on their own values in relation to these events and how they may or may not have changed.

In upcoming editions of the College newsletter, we will update you on further on the exciting excursions and incursions linked to learning we have planned for student this term.




Melissa Maccora

Hendy Campus Principal

Coordinator of  

Years 3-6 Stage of Schooling