Senior School News

Senior School Forum
During Term 1 each year, we run senior school forum. This is an opportunity to support students in their senior years beyond the classroom and set students up for a successful year.
Year 11 Forum
The Year 11 Forum took the place of normal classes on Thursday with a purpose around wellbeing, community, communication, persistence, creative thinking and reconnecting with students in the Year 11 Cohort. Students were highly engaged in sessions facilitated by Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Women that had a strong focus on wellbeing. Other sessions in the day were short and sharp activities designed to work on a variety of skills including communication, problem solving and creative thinking. Was so nice to see students working in teams, demonstrating persistence and engaged in activities back on school grounds.
Year 12 Forum
What a fantastic start to the year our Year 12 students have had. Settling back into school life seamlessly and getting ready for the year ahead.
This week our Year 12 students ventured down to Enchanted Adventure at Arthurs Seat to take part in our senior school forum.
This year our focus is on building a strong community within the cohort, working together to solve challenges and on ensuring that the students are prepared for the year ahead.
Our day started off with some wellbeing advice from Sarah and Alex, then moved on to our team challenges of trivia rounds, trust building maze walks, hedge discoveries and a tyre time challenge.
To finish off the day students were able to explore the grounds and take advantage of the fun activities the park has to offer.
A fantastic day enjoyed by all!
Structured Work Placements
As part of the VCAL Program Students undertake Structured Work Placement for one day per week throughout the year (work experience). Here is a snap shot of some of the workplaces the VCAL Students are currently in.