Junior School News

This week, Year 7 Patterson River students had their annual camp, but this year, it looked a little different! On Monday, 7A, 7B, 7F, 7G and 7I headed off to CYC at Phillip Island where everyone screamed and laughed on all the fantastic activities including the Giant Swing, Flying Fox, Circatron and archery. After a tasty burger lunch we headed down to the beach for the famous Tug-of-war competition, which was taken out by 7A, as well as various games of cricket and sandcastle building. On Tuesday, all year 7s participated in a busy and hot afternoon of Tabloid sports in the stadium – well done to 7I for taking out the title!
The next day we all packed onto the buses and went off to the much anticipated Gumbuya World! There were smiles all round as students (and staff!) braved the roller coaster, tree swing and dodgem cars before heading to the water park for more fun on the slides or relaxing on the Lazy River. Thursday morning was 7C, 7D, 7E and 7H’s turn to head to CYC Phillip island to top off the week. It was a fantastic week and all staff who attended commented on the outstanding behaviour of our students, demonstrating all of our college values.