SLA News

SLA Newsletter - Term 1, Week 5 


In LLF the students have been exploring the provocation ‘Show me you’re an Australian without telling me you’re an Australian’. They have been studying the text My Place by Sally Morgan and Nadia Wheatley using reciprocal roles in English to question, summarise, evaluate and predict. As the books focusses on decades in Australia’s history, the students have started to annotate their own version of their place. This process started with a spiral mind map and then their own autobiography about their place.


Here are some examples of student’s spiral mind maps:

 Luca  and Amelia SLA 2


Here are some examples of a sizzling start to their autobiography.


2010-2022: Sienna’s Place

The first moment of my life took place in a hospital where there were lots of balloons and visitors and they were all here for the same reason, to celebrate when I entered the world…. And started living a wonderful life. Ciao mi chiamo Sienna. (Hi, my name is Sienna) and I’m 11 years old and the first child of Joe and Josie.


2011-2022: Antonio’s Place 

One cold winter day, I was born upside down as my grandma was spying on us. Hi, my name is Antonio and I am 10  years old. I live in Reservoir North next to my favourite lake where I play footy.


The students used Padlet to record their wonderings or any questions they had so far from all the research we have been doing.