RE News

Dear Families,


 We have had a lovely start to the year and it is great to see our corridors full again and the buzz of learning happening across the school.


Next week marks the beginning of Lent.   Lent is a 40 day journey of preparation for the death and the resurrection of Jesus at Easter.  During this time of preparation, we are called upon to reflect on what Jesus’ sacrifice means for us today.  We are asked to pray and put the needs of others before ourselves.  We can do this by fasting from unnecessary treats as a sign of self sacrifice and donating the money usually spent on these treats to people less fortunate. 


Ash Wednesday is a special day which marks the beginning of Lent.  Ash Wednesday is on the 3rd March and is a time for us to commit to this period of preparation with gentle reflection.  On Ash Wednesday, we receive the ashes from the burnt palms of last Palm Sunday.  These ashes are placed on our foreheads in the sign of a cross.  These ashes remind us that people came into the world from dust and will leave this earth in the same way.  It is what we do during our time on this earth that is really important. We are given the responsibility to make this world a better place for all of creation.  By displaying the ashes we are indicating our willingness to make up for the times we have neglected to “Make Jesus Real” in our world and in the lives of others and are recommitting to try again to do this during Lent.  The experience of self sacrifice and giving really strengthens our character and makes the experience of sharing in the resurrection of Jesus at Easter more powerful and meaningful to all of us.


O Lord,

Look upon us as we enter these forty days,

bearing the mark of ashes. 

Bless our journey towards Easter.

May our fasting be a hunger for justice;

Our alms, a making of peace;

Our prayers, a plea from humble hearts.

We ask that all that our prayers and 

all that we do, brings us closer to You. 

Strengthen us and guide us to make 

a difference in our world and in the lives of others.


We ask this through Christ our Lord




God’s blessings be with you all,

Pauline Turnbull  REL