From staff and the Office 

please contact 9876 3289 if you have any questions

DET information policy 


Our school collects, uses, discloses, and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.


Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website For more information about privacy, refer to : Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in nine community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese



Permission from Parents


A big thank you to all families who have already completed these.

Online permission for head lice checks, media permission, mobile phone, local walks, riding a bike to school, and watching PG movies.

Please access the Compass portal, course confirmations. You will need to complete for each child you have at Kalinda.



Student enrolment details check


During the week, families should have received an email from the school, containing the student enrolment details. This is an opportunity for parents and carers to check if any details have changed. 


Please reply to the email if we need to alter anything.


Do you have a Health Care Card?



What is CSEF?

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.


Who is eligible?

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.


How to apply?

If you applied for CSEF at your child's school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. 

You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year


Please complete the form attached here and return to the school office. Please bring your Health Care Card or other accepted documentation for our office staff to sight and take a copy of.


Forms are also available to collect from the office. 

DET Scholarships

Scholarships support students and families to assist with the cost of education and engagement in further study at primary, secondary and tertiary level.

Scholarships are available for students:

  • studying in Victoria and who are citizens or permanent residents of Australia
  • enrolled in Years 4-11
  • enrolled in Year 12 who plan on undertaking tertiary studies.

Scholarships are awarded to students who can demonstrate:

  • excellent academic achievement
  • participation in school and local community activities
  • financial need as determined by the parent or carer receiving a Centrelink income support payment, or the student themselves receiving the Youth Allowance.

For more information including how to apply please go to this link: