School Counsellor 

Emily Bieber - at Kalinda on Tuesdays  and Thursdays in Term 4.

A little personal note from me today! 


This morning before school, my nine year old managed to “muck up” his rapid antigen test – the solution spilled out all over the table and he burst into tears. To me, it was such a moment of clarity: About how hard it is that we are all just trying to “get on” and achieve normality, all the while, things are not normal. Perhaps the most understandable and reasonable tears that have been shed by my little one. 


Sending you all a big smile and a rainbow, and a knowing nod that we are all trying to do our best in amongst the weirdness of the world, and holding on tight.


Em xx


Drop me a line or give me a call if you would like any information.

Emily Bieber: or 9876 3289