Pupil of the week

These awards will be given out in the classroom during the virtual assembly

2022 Pupil of the week

17 Feb 2022


Mason F - for having a positive attitude towards learning in the classroom and giving everything a go. Keep it up buddy!

Thomas P - for the positive energy you put into completing the ‘what makes you special’ activity. Well done!


Cung L - for being such a positive member of FD and showing kindness to everyone around him. 

Jack L -  for always showing respect and kindness to others and following our Golden Rule of treating others as you would like to be treated.


Archie G - for being a respectful and responsible member of our class. Keep up the great work! 

Esther R - for always doing your personal best. Well done! 


Zoe P - For demonstrating active listening in class and quickly settling down to work. What a super start to the year Zoe! 

Leo W - For being a helpful and caring member of our class. Thank you for showing the Kalinda values. 


Will W - For showing persistence and challenging himself when renaming 2 crabs. Keep up the positive mindset!

Evie H - For your funny and creative 'Oi' sentence - 'Oi panda, sit on a verandah'. You really understood the rhyming in the sentence! Super job!


Emily N- For her fabulous listening. Always demonstrating ‘treat others as you would like them to treat you.’

Ethan P - For showing kindness towards others and helping without being asked.


Leni S - for showing such great initiative in the classroom. What a superstar!

Tallejah W - for always showing respect and kindness to others and showing our Golden Rule of treating others as you would like to be treated.


Abby M- For setting an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation. Great start to the year Abby! 

Zoey W- for being a courteous student and showing good manners in the classroom. Well done Zoey!


Ruby R-What a fantastic start to the year you have had Ruby.You are consistently helpful to members of 2S.Your Best Part Of Me writing was excellent.Keep up the great work!

Heidi T-Heidi you created an excellent My Life Island poster,which was both informative and aesthetically pleasing! 

You consistently try your best to get the set tasks completed,great work Heidi.

3BAmara.B- For her excellent attitude and resilience during the first two weeks at a new school. Keep up the great work Amara!

Annabelle T - for your outstanding persistence and resilience when improving your writing and letter formation over the last two weeks. You are such a brave learner. Well done!

Jackson M - for showing great initiative, persistence and eagerness for learning. Your story about Dessert Island was amazing! Your first published piece for the year, I can’t wait to read the next one. Keep it up Buddy!

3RLRenee M-  For her amazing writing skills. Your letter to me was outstanding!

Sara B - for always following the Golden Rule and for being such a supportive and helpful member of our class.

Harry N - for your insightful responses to our class discussions and for always being willing to work with everybody.


Yumiao. F- for helping others to settle into Grade 4 and her mature approach to her learning. Mrs, Richards

Fraser. L- for settling into his new school so well and treating those around him with great respect. Mrs. Richards.


Sophie M- for being such a welcoming and friendly student. 

Mikayla H- for your descriptive writing. Your story about time traveling and the mood you set during Authours Chair was inspiring.


Eva S - For your superb speaking and listening skills. We appreciate your interesting thoughts and opinions!

Amos B - For sharing your very descriptive, inspiring writing in the Author’s Chair.


Sam O - For the bravery, you have shown during the Play Is The Way games. To progress, it is so important to participate no matter the outcome. 

Lily F - For showing bravery and courage during class discussion. Well done!


Mitchell P - for being brave and participating in Dugdale Cup. Way to go!

Josie S - For your brilliant Acknowledgment of Country. Your descriptive language inspired your peers. Keep up the great work!


Sarah Q- for starting a new school with a positive attitude to everything! Welcome! 

Charli J- for beginning the new school year with a positive attitude and showing great resilience. Keep it up! 

6DCade H- For treating others as he would like to be treated. Congratulations Cade on being brave and ensuring everyone was being listened to.
Performing Arts

James VDA from 6CT - For using his facial expression and body language to portray a range of emotions during Drama lessons. 

Harrison R from 5W - For using his facial expression and body language to portray a range of emotions during Drama lessons. 

PEJacob V & Darcy A from 5W - For showing great responsibility, consistently organising the crash pads each day and helping with equipment for the Dugdale Cup.