From the Deputy 

  Mr Anthony Speranza

Dear St. Mary’s Primary School community,


Google Calendar of school events

We are pleased to provide parents some key school dates for this term via our public facing Google Calendar. Inside this newsletter fortnightly you will find the most relevant and up-to-date information, however with our Google Calendar we will update these events in real time.


To view this calendar on the web, follow this link

If you wish to add this calendar to your personal device, you can use the following ical link:


We hope that this school calendar increases the effectiveness of our communication with the community.


Meet The Teacher Interviews - wellbeing form sent home today

As part of our Meet The Teacher interviews happening next week (see below), today we are issuing a short form to each child to gather essential information from parents and carers about their child. Helping the teachers to understand the whole circumstances around a child is important in meeting their individual needs.


The key questions to consider include:

What are your child's strengths?

Where would you like to see your child develop further this year?

What are your child's interests?

Is there anything in your child's life outside school that could be impacting on their educational development?

Are there any health issues your child has? 


Please take some time to fill in this form and return it to the classroom teacher before our Meet The Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 22nd and Thursday 24th February.


Meet The Teacher Interviews - bookings now open

Bookings are now open for our “Meet The Teacher” interviews on Tuesday 22nd February from 1:30pm to 6:00pm and Thursday 24th February from 3:50pm to 5:00pm.


Please note that on Tuesday 22nd February, all students will be finishing at 1:00pm. TheirCare is available should you need it.


The interviews are an opportunity to meet your child’s classroom teacher and discuss how they have settled into the year, as well as share information with your teacher about the needs of your child. An effective partnership between the home and school is key to the education of your child, and we appreciate your time to make this conversation happen.


Bookings can either be made for a video conference discussion (via Google Meet, which works on laptops / desktops / mobile), or a face-to-face discussion at school.


For video conferencing, upon making your booking you will receive a video conferencing link. At your allocated time, please click the join link and wait for your class teacher to admit entry into the virtual room.


For face-to-face bookings, we ask that you come through the front admin side gate and wait outside on the lower level or upper level until closer to your appointment time. We will have members of the leadership team available to help direct you. We know that many parents are eager to see the new classrooms and we are happy to provide this opportunity to do so in a safe manner. We kindly ask that parents wear a mask indoors and sign in with the QR code at the building entry, as this is a requirement for all education settings.


Interviews are strictly 10 minutes only. The smooth running of our parent-teacher interviews relies on all parents keeping to the timetable. Please consider other parents and end on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, arrange a separate meeting or phone call.


Students are not required to attend the interview.


To make a booking, please follow the link below or scan the QR code: 


Bookings close on Monday 21st February at 6:00pm. If you need to make or modify a booking after this time please contact myself on 03 9510 7420 or