Merit Certificates

Guess Who? 

Lachie Ellis-Colley - Stage 2 Gold

Cameron Batt - Stage 2 Olive 

Good Sport Award

Bailey Britt - Stage 3 Indigo

Makayla Galindo - Stage 3 Indigo 

Attendance Award 

Luka Massey - Stage 2 Gold 

Jaearla Landsborough - Stage 1 Mint 

Class Awards

Early Stage 1 Rainbow

Anna Fletcher - Excellent effort in everything she does!

Malekai Pixton - Terrific effort in writing

Val Alefosio - Excellent contributions to class discussions

Stage 1 Lime

Shy Shy Torrens - Working hard and listening to instructions

Troy Killen - Helping new students

Stage 1 Mint

Clyde Oxfordhill - Enthusiasm when learning in Stage 1

Jaearla Landsborough - A wonderful start to Year 1

Khaysen Thompson - For his fantastic knowledge of numbers to 50

Stage 2 Olive

Sophie Rumbel - Excellent effort in writing

Kiarnie Shersby - For using problem solving skills in Maths

Stage 2 Gold

 Thomas Tompkins - fantastic contribution to class discussions

Lachie Ellis -Colley - Completing all his classwork to a high standard

Taearleigh Torrens - making good choices and settling back into class quickly

Stage 3 Silver

No awards 

Stage 3 Indigo

Bethany Small - A great effort with all her classwork

Malikah Tighe - Working hard in class at all times

Makayla Galindo - A great start at Guyra Central School

Ruthie Taylor - A great start at Guyra Central School