High School

Year 10 Mock Interviews

Tuesday 8 August

All Year 10 students will participate in a Mock Interview next Tuesday 8 August. These interviews will be held in the High School library  during the students’ Health theory lesson. A number of parents and community members have offered up their time to interview our students and provide feedback. We are particularly grateful for their support of this aspect of our Career Development Program. 


On Tuesday Year 10 students are able to wear clothes appropriate for an interview for the entire day. Students have received a copy of some possible interview questions. We encourage families to help prepare our Year 10 students so this is a positive experience for them all. 

French Day

Wednesday 9 August

French Celebration Day is on next Wednesday, 9 August, during lunchtime at the High School. There will be posters around the school advertising the different activities on the day and what food will be available for lunch. Delicious French food such as chocolate éclairs and baguette with Brie can be purchased at lunchtime at the outdoor gym next to the kitchen for $2 or $3 (cash and card accepted). There will be a soccer tournament running on the bottom green - please look out on the students’ bulletin on the day for a wet-weather plan if necessary. Put your name up on the board outside the Languages Study to be part of it. A couple of episodes of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, will be shown in the Lecture Theatre at lunch time.

Year 7-12 House Aquatics Carnival

Friday 4 August - Hobart Aquatic Centre

The Year 7-12 Carnival will be held at the Hobart Aquatic Centre on Friday 4 August from 8.35am – 3.30pm. Students are to arrive no later than 8.35am and report to their House area – Unwin, Hodgkin, Mather or Ransome from the change room end of the centre. Students are to wear sports uniform to and from the pool. Parents are warmly invited to attend.


All High School students will be attending the carnival for the day. Should students be unable to swim they are encouraged to help out with service on the day. If a student is sick then parents will need to advise the school through the normal channels of a call or email through to the High School Office - 62102235.


At the conclusion of the carnival at 3.30pm, students will need to have make their own travel arrangements home. Please be aware that traffic around the Aquatic Centre can be quite congested at this time. Arrangements have been made for students travelling on country buses.


Further information can be viewed here.

Term 3 High School Aquatics Program

Week 1 - Week 6

In Term 3  all students in Years 7 - 9 will participate in an Aquatics program in Weeks 1 to  6 inclusive. This is a compulsory unit of our Years 7 - 9 Physical Education Curriculum. Students will access Friends Health & Fitness one lesson each week to use the swimming pool and facilities. The focus of these programs is to develop students’ swimming and water survival skills so they gain the confidence and fitness to be able to enjoy activities in aquatic environments in the future.  


In Year 10 students self-select to complete competencies towards the Life-Saving Bronze Medallion Award run by certified staff and supported by Royal Life Saving Tasmania.

Students are encouraged to remember their swim gear for these sessions which includes:  swimmers, goggles, swim cap and towel.

It is anticipated that all students will participate in this program unless parents have discussed this with the respective PE teacher.


For more information please contact Trish Menadue

Marimba Concert

Wednesday 9 August, 6pm - The Farrall Centre, Argyle Street Campus

The Marimba Concert will feature performances by Year 3-10 marimba students in an engaging program of music. The ensembles have rehearsed weekly to prepare music in a range of styles. There is no cost to attend and no need to book. Please stay at home if you are unwell.

2023 Battle of the Bands

Thursday 31 August - 6pm - 9pm

The 2023 Friends’ School Amnesty Battle of the Bands is being held in The Farrall Centre on Thursday 31 August. The event will commence at 6.00pm and conclude at 9.00pm and will feature student bands from Years 7 – 12. Entry is gold coin donation and soft drinks will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to the schools Amnesty group.

Attending students are to be dropped off and collected from the venue.


This is an ‘in house’ event for school students and parents only. Any non-school student/adult arriving will be asked to leave as The Friends’ School cannot accept responsibility for non-Friends’ students. There will be no pass outs and there are to be no bags brought into the venue by students other than that required by the performers.


School parents are welcome to attend and will be seated upstairs of the The Farrall Centre, students (Years 7 -12 only) will be situated downstairs. We would love to see you come along and support the students at this evening of musical celebration. 


For enquiries, please email David Wilson 

2023 Term Dates 

Term 3 Tuesday 25 July - 29 September

Monday 4 September – Wellbeing Day, as part of Wellbeing Weekend (no K-12 classes)


Term 4 Monday 16 October - Tuesday 12 December

High School – Years 7 to 10 Office

6210 2235  |  hsoffice@friends.tas.edu.au

8am – 4pm Monday – Friday