Well with Alice

Wellbeing ABC 

The I is for... Imperfectionism!


Imperfectionism is the opposite of perfectionism. 

A perfectionist is somebody who feels unable to tolerate anything less than perfection in themselves, their own lives and their achievements. Sometimes perfectionists take this further and struggle in social interactions due to expecting perfection of others as well. However, most perfectionists are able to extend grace to others more than to themselves.


An imperfectionist can be content with 'average' or 'good enough'. They are able to make mistakes and learn from them without beating themselves down for it. Instead, they are able to extend grace to themselves.


Here are a few steps to help you recover from perfectionism:

Firstly, accept yourself as you are, flaws and all. 

Secondly, be your own best friend. Would you talk to a friend the way you talk to yourself?

Thirdly, focus on small goals and steps instead of major goals that you will set high expectations for.

Fourthly, reflect when you have not met your goals or expectations. This will help you learn and do better next time, as well as allowing you to be flexible and gracious with yourself.


If your child struggles with perfectionism, I recommend helping them with the steps above. Be their greatest cheerleader, help them to reflect and assess the situation (which is not as catastrophic as it will feel to them). Further, make sure to communicate often that you accept and love them unconditionally.


All the best, and may your week be good enough!

Ms. Alice Romijn