Technology News

 Prep students have been continuing their exploration of Robotics. Classes are now being challenged with new problems to overcome through teamwork and expert robot handling.


Grade 1/2

In Minecraft Grade 1/2 students are learning to use Pistons, Levers, and Buttons to make interactive features. These have so-far included sculptures, trap doors and secret entrances into hidden bases.


Grade 3/4 students are designing and making their own jiggler puppets, with some designs already starting to take shape.



Grade 5/6 have begun working on the construction of their pinball machines, and some of the main deck designs are already looking amazing.

In addition many students have taken up the challenge of building gothic designs in Minecraft, and we will soon be selecting the most promising builders to join an RHPS team for a National Minecraft eSports competition. Here are just a few of the student creations.



Stay creative!

-Mr Taylor