
Creativity takes courage....Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


The art room has been go, go!! So much going on with each year level and the standard of work has been AMAZING!


Our Prep pigs are up on the walls, and show wonderful printing, drawing and cutting skills. Our next art adventure is looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears and learning how to sew! Yes, Preps will be sewing and I’m sure they will be great at it. We will be using plastic needles and thread to sew around one of the three bears. 


The Grade 1/2 art day last week was full of excitement as we used shaving cream and food dye/ink to create beautiful marbled paper which we will turn into planets this week for our first space artwork piece. We will then be moving onto astronaut self-portraits, one I am very looking forward too.


The Grade 3/4s have outdone themselves in the last few weeks. After tiling and grouting their surfboards, they have now begun the process of painting the other side of their boards. This is a personal choice as to what they put on the painted side. Each is unique and wonderful and so much care and effort is going into their work. Next, we will be creating clay bobble heads, I can’t wait to see who or what they create.


Our Grade 5/6 students need to be commended on how independent they have been in the art room lately. We are creating the most amazing book characters for book week, but as everyone is creating individual pieces, each student needs to look after their own resources, work hard and clean up after themselves. I am very impressed with their brilliant quality of work and they can be proud of their work ethic.  The 5/6s will begin clay castles once our book week art is complete. 



Wishing you all a fun week ahead and remember to….Keep Creating!


Mrs. Granger