School News 


100 days completed! Can you believe that our Preps have already completed their first 100 days of their education? It seems to have gone in the blink of an eye. The Prep teachers were beaming with pride on Tuesday 1st August when we were greeted with so many excited faces, all dressed up in their colourful costumes. We had princesses, famous footy players, fairy tale characters, pirates, fairies, home-made ‘100’ t-shirts and many superheroes. In all the excitement, we also seemed to gain many visitors from a local retirement village! 

We celebrated the day in style. We made ‘100 days brighter’ crowns and indulged in delicious fairy bread. We learnt all about the different ways we can show the number 100 and drew 100 things on a poster. We sang songs and shared our successes at school so far. 

We are so very proud of all our Prep students and can’t wait to see what the next 100 days brings.

Our swimming week is fast approaching! We will send out specific information about swimming week at the end of week 5 with everything that you need to know, so please keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, we encourage all the Prep students to practise getting in and out of their bathers and dressing independently so that they can approach swimming week with confidence. 

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to your classroom teacher. 


The Prep Team

Allie Harrison, Alarna Creed, Elyce Munnecke and Sally Newton

Grade 1 & 2

We are having so much fun in Level 1/2 and have really enjoyed getting out in the sunshine!


In Reading and Writing this week we have been completing learning tasks. In Reading, students have shown their knowledge of inferencing, character traits, motive and morals to respond to a text. In Writing, students were asked to write an impactful ending to a class text. They practised planning, writing and editing their piece of writing.


In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication. We have practised skip counting and representing multiplication as repeated addition and in arrays.


Inquiry has been a highlight this week! Everyone has loved planning and starting to construct their instruments and they look great. Students can’t wait to bring them home to show you!


Have a great rest of the week!


The Level 1/2 Team

Llinos Poole, Kayla Hartrick, Ashleigh Wilson, Emma Wright, Sam Younes & Daena Hailey 

Grade 3 & 4

Level 3/4 students have enjoyed some action packed weeks of learning.


In Literacy, we have been reading a range of procedural texts and analysing the features of each. Did you know procedural texts are different depending on the intended audience? We have been learning how to identify the audience in preparation for writing our own procedures.


In Maths, we have been working hard learning to read and represent times on analogue clocks. Do you have an analogue clock at home? Perhaps you can ask your child to read the time to you or tell you the time when an event is to occur. 


Inquiry has been full of paper plane creating and testing, ready for our final designs that will form part of this term's inquiry learning task.


Stay tuned for the next update from Level 3/4. We have so much to look forward to in the coming weeks - a Science excursion, swimming and Hoop Time. Level 3/4 is the place to be!


Have a great weekend!


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Tim Wilson, Hayley Peirce & Sarah Jones

Grade 5 & 6

We have had a big two weeks full of fun and learning grade 5/6. With the Term 3 Learning Portfolio Tasks fast approaching, your children have been learning and mastering lots of new skills. Take a look at what we have been up to lately:



Over the past two weeks, students in 5/6 have become experts at annotating various styles of poems, outlining the author’s use of figurative language and structure. This week, we learnt how to write detailed comparisons of two poems that share a theme but are written from different perspectives. Students used their text analysing and inference skills to recognise the similarities and differences between poems and share their thoughts through well written responses. 



The past two weeks have seen students learn the structure and features of a number of poetry styles and have a go at writing their own! We learnt about Free Verse poetry, Odes, Cinquains and Diamante poems. Did you know that Diamante poems use a specific pattern of nouns, verbs and adjectives to compare two topics and are shaped like a diamond? This Friday we started planning our poems that we will draft, edit and publish next week for Learning Portfolios. Have a look at some of the published poems from the last two weeks below:


In maths, we have been focussing on extending our knowledge and understanding of fractions, and their relationship with decimals. We know that this topic can be daunting for some students, but everyone has been working hard to have those “ah-ha!’ moments and we are so proud of you all. Last week we explored adding/subtracting like and unlike fractions, as well as simplifying and converting fractions. This week students explored comparing, adding and subtracting decimals and how they relate to fractions before completing this term’s Learning Task for maths. We can’t wait for you to see their mathematical skills in portfolios soon. 



5/6 students have continued their scientific exploration of natural disasters and Earth Sciences over the past two weeks. Last week we experimented with building structures that would withstand an earthquake simulator. If our structures didn’t survive the first test, we explored different ways of making building improvements that would strengthen the design and make it “earthquake proof”. Have a look at some of our innovative designs:


Our inquiry into our solar system has continued over the past two weeks with students delving into orbital paths and planet profiles. This week students completed the Learning Task for this term and showcased all their knowledge about our solar system. Students demonstrated their understanding of the order and scale of the planets in the solar system, as well as why and how the planets orbit the Sun. Keep an eye out for this in the learning portfolios that will come home in the next couple weeks. 



Last week we had a big discussion about stress and stress management. We explored the different places and situations that may trigger feelings of stress, as well as the many different ways we can manage that stress. Some lucky students got to experience a relaxing guided meditation and we are looking forward to exploring more wellbeing practices moving forward.

Take care and as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to you child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.


The Level 5/6 Team

Damien Smith, Megan Pepprell, Brendan Van Haaster and Millie Pinney