Parent & Friends Committee

Hello amazing RHPS families,

Read all about some P&F updates below.

Father's & Special Person's Day....

The Father's & Special Person's Day will be Wednesday 30th August at school. 

Further information will go on compass soon.

Trivia Night Wrap up...

Thankyou so much to our amazing RHPS community who came along to the first RHPS Trivia Night in a very long time! It was such a fun night and we received so much lovely, positive feedback. 


We can announce that we made a total profit of just under $5000 from the event. This is just amazing and will all go towards continued grounds improvements projects around our school. 


It’s really important to acknowledge the wonderful people who gave up A LOT of their time to organise the event. Thankyou to these P&F Committee members: KATIE, KELLY, CHELS, TARA and LEIGH. We'd also like to thank JAS, our School Council President for coming along and helping on the night also. A big shout out to the wonderful ES staff who joined us in the Trivia. And another big shout out to Kate Warner and Allie Harrison for giving up their Saturday night to come and be our amazing MCs for the night. I think we can all agree they made the night loads of fun. Please give all of these people a deserved thank you if you see them round the school!


Congratulations to Table 3, our Trivia Winners. Here are some photos of the night.



Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors! Please join us in thanking these companies & people who generously donated to support our school's Trivia Night.

As promised, here are the ANSWERS to the two game sheets played at the Trivia Night: 'Name that Movie' and 'Name that Logo'.

How to contact the P&F committee? 

You can contact the office who will put you in contact with the team. 

You can email the P&F directly at: pf.rhps.3138@gmail.com

There is Committee information and membership forms available at the office also. 


Chat soon,

The P&F team :)