Primary 4

We’ve had a lovely start to Term 3, everybody has returned happy and settled back into routine. Our class is looking a little different now with Ivy, Jordon, Angus, Shilo and Eliezer remaining in LP4.
We have an exciting semester ahead, engaging in a variety of sensory experiences throughout the curriculum and examining how and why we use our 5 senses everyday. This in turn will help to expand our descriptive word bank while exploring nursery rhymes with a twist in poetry. Students are enjoying our new phonics program and already seeing growth over the last 6 months. In Geography we are looking at familiar places in our community where will be able to visit the Pilbeam Theatre through Music and a trip to the park to wrap up term 4. In Maths we are working on our subitising, addition and subtraction skills. Lots of hands-on experiences investigating shapes, measurements and chance. We continue to work on our social skills and how to work together in a variety of games and projects and having fun with different movements with Miss Jen’s obstacle courses on Friday.
I’m looking forward to what the Semester will bring and seeing our children grow and flourish.
Sharla Allen