Grade 5/6's

Will Fowles Visit

Last week the 5/6s had a visit from Will Fowles MP. He came to the school to thank them in person for the letters they wrote to him last term. The students were asked to focus on a local issue that they wanted to bring to his attention, such as littering, graffiti or sports facilities for young people. They wrote persuasive letters, trying to encourage him to address their concerns. We felt very honoured that Will Fowles came in person to drop off the individual and personalised letters that his office wrote in response. He read out many of their letters and talked to them about the importance of young people being concerned for and involved in their local communities. 


 Girls AFL Footy

Good Sportmanship.
Good Sportmanship.



We are very proud of our students at Mitcham Primary School.  Please find below a piece of work from David in 5/6B.  Well done David!