P & C News



DATE: Monday 11tn September  2023




ATTENDEES: Sarah M, Jennifer H, Andrea M, Elizabeth S, Kylie C, Siobhan B, Karen G, Karla W, Joyce Y




PREVIOUS MINUTES: Emailed and accepted by the committee.


CORRESPONDENCE: July Westpac account statement; advertising pamphlets from Cadbury fundraising, Australian Fundraising Specialists, School Products Australia; P&C Federation NSW Term 3 Journal. Email: no significant emails.



PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Presented by Karla


1. Temporary to Permanent

- 9 classroom teachers and 1 School Admin Officer were offered and accepted a permanent position as part of the Temp to Permanent Scheme.

- Officially they will begin on day 1, term 1, 2024.

2. School Show

- Last week’s school show was a great success. All teachers and students worked incredibly hard in the weeks leading up to the shows. Wonderful support from the community; great feedback from all parents. Slight issues with some people accidentally booking wrong session times; otherwise events ran smoothly overall.

- The school has made $10,00 profit from ticket sales. This money will go directly back into purchasing musical instruments and 2 new lights to help brighten the stage for future performances.

- Parent survey regarding venue – Hurstville or PPS hall, to be sent out in near future to get feedback. Anecdotal feedback so far is that logistics at PPS is much easier; parking was not problematic; multiple performances were definitely worthwhile for the kids. Greater seating capacity available at Hurstville but logistics are much more complex and need to organise buses to transport kids to the venue.

3. Colour Run: Wellbeing Day

- Colour Run has been booked for Tuesday 5th December (week 9). Monday is swimming carnival, Wednesday is Presentation Day; week 10 is all booked up.

- No fundraising involved. External company setting up; teachers will be overseeing the ‘colour’ aspect of the run.

4. NAPLAN 2023 results

- September 18 – Item Analysis report will be released; hopefully state comparative data will be out as well.

- Statistically Similar School Groups (SSSG) - the methods for producing them are no longer considered robust. The department is currently reviewing new strategies that align with best practice.

5. Share Our Space

- Share our Space is an initiative governed by the Department of Education.

- The school will be open on weekends only to the public over the holidays as Vacation Care occurs Mon-Fri.

6. New phone and public address system

- The outdated phone system in classrooms will be replaced over the holidays. The old system called the office directly which made it difficult for teachers to call other rooms without interrupting the office staff.

- Internal speakers will be replaced to ensure all areas of school can hear the announcements and evacuation sirens etc. Once that is completed, we will replace the outdoor speakers so there are more, set at lower volume, pointed towards the ground as opposed to horns pointing out towards neighbour’s houses. 2 zone system. Anticipating this will be completed early term 4.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Presented by Sarah


Father’s Day Stall

- Event ran smoothly with good feedback overall: 2-gift system well received; bags were sturdy.

- There were lots of new volunteers who helped with setting up and overseeing the stall - committee extends a big thank you to all parents for their time and efforts: Sarah, Siobhan, Pravina, Connie, Joely, Kathryn, Jacquie, Stacey, Casey, Kylie, Andrea, Whinnie, Hanan, Carolyn, Jennifer, Siobhan, Karen, Enas, Lin, Cecilia; as well as Hayaat, Colomba and Yun for their offers to help.

- $150 loss overall, with 505 gifts sold compared to 550 Mother’s Day gifts. Difference in sale numbers may be due to higher student absence, differing celebration sentiments. Extra stock will be kept available for future events.

Trivia Night: Cancellation

- Committee discussed and all agreed to cancel the event due to low likelihood of acquiring enough attendees (only 8 tickets have been sold so far; these will be refunded).

- Claire and Sarah had emailed a call-out to different companies and have received a great range of prize donations for fundraising, including family passes for Taronga Zoo, Raging Waters, etc.

- Committee discussed and agreed a good plan is to use these prizes for a raffle draw fundraiser. Plan is to draw the raffle at the upcoming school disco, so winners can select the prize that suits them. Plan is to sell raffle tickets in the lead-up to disco - will send tickets home beforehand like Easter raffle.


- All booked for 24th November. Will need to sell tickets in October. Company is charging the same cost as the previous year ($425). Will have UV lights set up again, and have a glow theme - kids can wear white.

- Committee agreed on a ticket price of $8.

- Committee agreed to proceed with a BBQ to enhance community engagement for the raffle. Will provide Zooper-Dooper ice-blocks at the end for all kids.

- Budget: will need around 1600 if proceeding with BBQ. Without BBQ, will need 900 (425 for disco; 410 for lights; plus ice-blocks cost).

- Karla affirmed the school will cover the cost of water bottles.

Referendum 14th October

- Polling will be held at school.

- Committee discussed holding an Election BBQ at school on the day. Siobhan will set up SurveyMonkey for a volunteer call-out to assess what is feasible.

School Canteen

- Karla affirmed there are issues with Flexischools at the moment.

- Some parents have raised issues with kids not getting orders; missing orders; missing items from orders. Karla will forward issues to canteen management.

- Some parents are keen to help with volunteering at the canteen. Karla will look into whether or not this is possible.

- Suggestion raised to set up a formal process so if an item is missing in an order, the child will still receive food for lunch.

Tea towels

- Committee extended a big thank you to Kylie for her amazing efforts organising the tea-towel fundraiser and managing all preparations.

- Kylie shared a timeline of dates with the committee: all drawings are to be completed and returned to the office by Thursday 21st Sept; order forms will be sent home with students mid-October; 25th October will be the deadline for all tea towel orders; Nov/ Dec will receive delivery and organise distribution.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Prepared by Jennifer




School Bell

- Query whether kids can be released at bell time to avoid prolonging parking at Kiss and Ride areas (risk of parking fines). Karla will inform teachers.

- Issue raised about the school bell being rung a few minutes early. Karla will check and rectify.

District Carnivals - Transportation

- Query raised whether there is any government funding to assist with sending kids to district carnivals. Karla explained the logistics and payment for buses is very difficult to organise for smaller groups.

- Suggestion raised whether we can organise fundraising through P&C or another funding possibility to allow kids to be transported to and from the venue (especially when parents are unable to drive their kids to/from venue due to prior commitments).

- Suggestion for the school to provide a full list of kids who are going to district events to the families attending, so parents can organise carpooling.


Book Week

- Very positive feedback for Book Swap initiative - celebrating literature and the true meaning of book week. Lots of enthusiasm for Book Week events from both parents and students.



- Currently, there are 43 children enrolled for next year.

- Issue raised about kids digging in the playground. Nature play update: conscious of avoiding fences near neighbours in mapping out nature play area. Waiting for a revised quote this week.





The next P&C meeting will take place on Monday 16th October, 2023 at 7pm in the Gumbuya Centre. A notice will be placed in eNews.




Peakhurst Public School - Upcoming P&C Meeting



Date: 7pm Monday 23 October, 2023


1. Apologies

2. Previous meeting minutes

3. Principal’s Report

4. President’s Report

5. General Business:

a. School disco

b. Raffle logistics

c. Long sleeve sports uniform sample and approval

d. SWAP IT healthy lunchbox program sign-up

e. Nomination for traffic Black Spot Program funding


6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Set date for next meeting