Principal's message

Welcome back to Term 4

I hope all our families had a refreshing break over the two weeks. I know our household was more than ready for a break by the end of Term 3...lots of meltdowns, exhaustion and short fuses from my two boys. 


Term 4 is my favourite term of the year. There are so many wonderful events celebrating learning, friendships and special occasions that we are looking forward to as a school community. Please make sure you keep up to date on the 'Dates to Remember' page with all the exciting things this term.

2024 Kindergarten

On Wednesday evening we held the Kindergarten 2024 Information Session for parents via Zoom. It was lovely to see so many new and familiar faces attend. 


As we get closer to the Kindergarten 2024 Transition Program we encourage all families to ensure that any children who are starting school in 2024 complete the online enrolment form as soon as possible so they don't miss any transition visits. 


Please use the link below to take you to the online enrolment form.

Future planning

At this time of year, schools are very busy finalising planning details for the upcoming year. In order to assist with the planning process, we need to ensure our student information is accurate. Teaching and non-teaching positions are determined by enrolment numbers each year. In order for us to staff the school appropriately for 2024, we need to know as soon as possible if your child will not be at Peakhurst Public School next year. If you intend on moving and changing schools, please let our school office know. 


Additionally, if you intend on taking extended holidays during the summer holidays and will not be returning on Day 1, Term 1, 2024. You will need to complete an extended leave application by Week 10, Term 4, 2023. 

Grandparents Day

We are looking forward to seeing our grandparents next Wednesday 25th October. All the activities will be held at the school hall. 



We will be opening the school gates 


8.45 - 9.20am  - Craft and activities outside the Hall (students with their Grandparents)

9.30 - 10am     - Assembly (Grandparents only)

10-10.30am     - Morning tea outside the hall (Grandparents only)

Mobile Phone Ban

As you will be aware, the NSW Government's mobile phone ban has now come into force. Our school procedures at Peakhurst PS remain unchanged. Students are required to hand in their phone at the school office every morning and pick it up at the end of the school day. This helps us to ensure that students are able to concentrate on their lessons throughout the school day. 

Public Speaking success

Congratulations to all out Public Speaking stage winners. The calibre of all the children who made it to the school finals was exceptional. Special mention to Larry and Hillary won the Early Stage 1 and Stage 2 at the Georges River finals. Mrs Kerasis has written about the finals in the Extra-Curricula news section. 


Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal