From the Leadership Team

Continuing Our Direction
As we head into the second half of Term 3, we realise what a busy term it has been and the exciting learning and events that we still have ahead of us. Students have had the opportunity to attend two workshops/performances in the past couple of weeks (have a look later in the newsletter for the details) and there are other opportunities and events planned during the rest of the term. Sometimes these change the focus of teaching and learning over a period which allows students to participate in more in depth learning in a particular area. All of the extra learning opportunities fit into the Australian Curriculum which is the document that informs teachers of the content they teach. How this curriculum is delivered is determined by teachers, their teams and our school directions.
As you are aware, our External School Review was completed last term and we now have the directions that we will be working towards for the next 3 years. These encompass the actions from our SIP, the pedagogical development which is informed by regular feedback and our wellbeing and engagement focus, driven by our learning with Berry Street Educational Model.
We are excited that our directions will help us build on the learning and practice that we are already using in all classes.
Enrolments 2024
We are heading to the stage of the year where we are starting to look at our enrolments for 2024 and work on our class configurations. If you know of any new families to our community who would be looking at enrolling with us in 2024, please encourage them to make contact ASAP. School tours are available and we welcome their attendance at these.
As we are a Cancer Council Sun Smart School, we are guided by best practice when it comes to the wearing of hats and sunscreen. Please encourage your children to apply sunscreen prior to leaving home each day. We do have some sunscreen available at school if needed but are aware that some students have an allergy to particular types. Hats now need to be worn whenever students are outside during lessons and playtimes. Sunsafe hats in a bucket or legionnaires style are part of our uniform and are available to purchase from the Front Office. We encourage students to be respectful of their property, including hats, so if any hats have visible graffiti, we will ask students to bring them home for washing, and in some instances replacement. We appreciate your cooperation in helping them to understand how important it is to wear our uniform with pride and respect.
Safe Driving Around the School
The minor roads around our school are all signposted with 25km speed limit signs with Montague and Nelson Roads having pedestrian crossings outside our entrances. The speed limits and lights are there to protect our students and families as they arrive at and leave school each day. Please take note of these to help keep everyone safe.
In Don Street, yellow lines are painted on both sides of the road. These help designate no parking or stopping areas, which means that this area shouldn't be used as a passenger pick up/drop off area. Once again, it is important for the safety of our students.
The school carpark has a boom gate which is operational before and after school to help protect students also. If you do need to enter the carpark any time during the day, please remember there is a 5km/h speed limit which begins at the STOP line as you enter.
We thank you for helping to keep our students and families safe.
Welcome Jason
In our last newsletter, we farewelled Melissa for the remainder of the year. We now welcome Jason to Para Vista Primary School and hope he enjoys his time with us.
Dear Families,
I’m very excited to be commencing as Deputy Principal at Para Vista Primary School and joining the school community.
I have had the opportunity to meet many families and would like to thank you for the warm welcome I have received. I look forward to spending time getting to know you and our community. I am very impressed to observe the teaching and learning that is happening in classrooms along with the excellent facilities and learning spaces available to students. I come to Para Vista Primary School with 10 years of experience as a school leader, and have been a teacher for 25 years.
I have two children, Jack (14) and Grace (10). When I get free time, I love spending it camping and fishing and getting away with the kids. Having lived and worked in the regional community of Port Pirie and Bordertown, it has very much instilled in me the importance of strong community connections. I am passionate about fostering an inclusive and vibrant school community and believe that building strong relationships with students, families, and staff is the foundation of creating a positive and supportive learning environment.
In the coming terms, I plan to engage with students, staff, and community members to learn more about the school. I am also committed to working collaboratively with staff to progress the school’s shared goals and priorities. My philosophy is centred around creating a collaborative and progressive school community where all students feel valued, respected and achieve their learning potential.
I look forward to getting to know you all and working together to ensure that Para Vista Primary continues to be a place where all students thrive in their learning and wellbeing.
Kindest Regards
Jason Saxby
As the weather improves, I look forward to being able to catch up with more families before and after school in the yard. Please feel free to come and say hi.
Enjoy your weekend.