Excursions & Incursions

Science Works Museum - Thursday 10th August

Science Works by Ella E

On Thursday, 10th of August, the grade ⅘’s and ⅚’s went on an excursion to Science works. On this day it was super duper fun!

Firstly, we went to explore this area called ‘Think Ahead’ and explored an area called ‘Sports Works’.

Secondly, we went to watch this cool show and a person called Simon hosted it. He talked about where the Sun and Earth were placed.

Thirdly we went to the Planetarium to watch ‘Planet Odyssey’. The Planetarium had cool seats where you could lay down and the roof was the screen! My favourite part was when we went to the Planetarium and laid down! I really want to go there again! It was super fun.


By Jessica Alexander


Science is all around us. It is a magical feeling and that’s exactly how the 4’s to 6’s felt on our trip to Science works. It took place on the 10th of August by bus which was a really loud trip. We are learning about our changing world and what better way to learn about our changing world than to watch a show about space and a planetarium.


Before anything though, we ate our lunch and had a toilet break and wondered around. We did all the science activities that were lots of fun. First we looked at the Think Ahead section which was about futuristic thing and how things advanced over the years. Secondly, we went to the Sports Work section which was all about sports and we could test our sporty abilities like our jumping height.

Next, we learnt about the sun, moon, and the earth with Simon, a presenter. As we sat down and learned about those three wonder, we were able to ask questions and interact. We learned about the rotation of the earth and moon, how the seasons work, and everything in between.


After our inspiring hour with Simon, we didn’t have enough time for a food break so we went straight to the planetarium to watch our movie displayed on the dome above us. After around 15 minutes we had to pause and let another school enter. After the movie, which taught us about moons on different planets, we looked in the sky to see different constellations, and how to figure out where Mars and Venus are.


After that, we finished our food and had a last look around at the two sections, also known as th General Viewing section, then we climbed aboard the bus and took another hour back to school except a quieter way back. Over all, our trip to Science Works was a great succes as we refreshed our memories and learnt new things.



Fire Safety Education - Monday 14th August


Fire Safety Incursion 

By Lorianne Tuipea Year 5/6


On the 14th of August, Alec, Dave, Kane and James taught us about fire safety. We learnt a lot of cool things that we have never experienced or learned before. One of the things we learnt was what fire ban district we live in and this was the Central District. The other most important thing we learned was that when you are asleep you can’t smell anything including smoke, that is why it is most important to have a smoke alarm. If you have a smoke alarm, you will always be aware when a fire happens in your home. 

We also learned that there are different stages during a fire, starting with low growing to high. This is why it is most important to learn about fire safety and what to do if there is a fire. Did you know that firefighters also do other jobs? They do marine rescues, paramedic assistance, deal with hazardous materials, perform high angle techniques and road safety. 


It is most important that you have a safety plan before a fire happens so that you don’t panic. If you live in an apartment or a three-storey house and you don’t know the way out, it is best to plan where the exits are before a fire happens. If there is a fire in the woods or a park near you it is best to stay two streets away from the fire before it spreads. If you are already two blocks away, stay in your house and don’t come out. It was really fun to learn about fire safety rules.






Firefighters Brendan and Dave came to teach our Prep/1 students about fire safety.


“The firefighters told us that doors get hot when there’s a fire.  If there is a fire you need to get outside and meet there in the backyard and if you need to open the gate you need to get a key.” Elly

“The firefighters were teaching us how to get out of a fire” Avaree


“We were learning that the firefighters have to get dressed in 90 seconds” Aanaya


“They teach me how to be safe and that they are our friends” Xavier