Principals News

Dear Families, 


What a week of contrasting emotions. The Matilda’s and the joy that is bringing people, set against the utter devastation of the fires in Hawaii, something that hit me as I have had the great fortune to visit there, and is my favourite place in the world to visit. 


Last week, I went to a conference with other Principals in our South Eastern Network. It was a great opportunity to learn about things going well in other school’s which we can utilise to improve our own school. 


I hosted prayer on the last morning, sharing a song from the musical ‘Come From Away’. The song is called ‘The Prayer’ and is an adaptation of St Francis prayer, which is my favourite prayer. Why it speaks to me, is that it summarises my faith, that in times of joy, I recognise that others are experiencing sorrow. When I experience doubt, I seek to find and grow in faith. The musical depicts so beautifully that in tragedy, we often find the very best in humanity. The question is, why can we not see that each day! 


The challenge for us all is to find a sense of unity. Whether it be the Matilda’s, or around a shared feast, or at the Table of the Lord in communion, let us find more ways to demonstrate unity. I can tell you that our kids get it right most days- they are shining examples of this prayer in action. 


Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

St Francis of Assisi




Congratulations to all of our students who represented our school today. I challenged them before they left, that I wanted them to not only enjoy the day, that's important, but also to put effort into their event. It doesn’t matter about their position, that is a result and we can’t control that, but it is important to learn that you need to give effort. We see the Matilda’s score goals and play in front of these crowds, but what we don’t see is the incredible effort, sacrifice and knockbacks that are the journey. No one gets to that level on talent alone, it really is about who is willing to give every effort. The best part, we can control that. 



Coming Events: 

Just a brief snapshot of some exciting things coming up for our students


Monday 21st August: Book Week Parade: Dress as your favourite Character


Thursday 24th August: St John’s Choir visiting: Our dance club will also be performing for the St John’s students. 


Thursday 24th and Friday 25th August: Dental Van Visit


Friday 25th August 10am-11am: Leap Into Learning Playgroup: 

All 3 to 5 year old's are welcome to join in some activities led by our teachers and students.  This is part of our School Readiness Program to help the transition to big school.  Parents must accompany the children and can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. 

This will be held every Friday from the 25th August. 


Monday 28th August: MACS Survey Window Open: We need parents to have your say. We will be sending a letter to parents asking you to have your say about the school. We use this data as our key driver in school improvement and I need to hear from you. Your responses will be anonymous, but critical! 


Monday 28th August: St John’s Holy Family Big Buddy Program Starts: St John’s students will lead activities to promote the social and emotional learning for our students and use the evidence based research of peer relationship to create positive impact


Friday 1st September: Father’s Day Breakfast, we would love to see as many people as possible to celebrate the important male figures in our children’s lives


Thursday 7th September: Senior Sports Gala day- Our students will go off and represent our school


Sunday 10th September:  First Holy Communion: We are so proud of these children who are willing to further their relationship with God and deepen their faith


Friday 15th September: Final Day Of Term- School finishes normal time


Sunday 17th September: Doveton Show: The school will have a stall at the Doveton Show to attract new enrolments