Middle School

Years 9 &10

Subject Selection 2024

Subject Selection for 2024 is well underway. 


Students who are moving into Year 9 –12 in 2024 (current Year 8–11) should submit their subject preferences by midnight Sunday 20 August


This allows students and parents to use the Student Parent Teacher conferences to discuss their progress with the teacher and receive advice about subjects for next year. 


The advice we give all students is to ‘pick subjects you enjoy, subjects you are good at and subjects that meet the prerequisites of any future courses you are interested in.’ This will help create an interesting, engaging and successful program for each individual.


We have a series of event and support structures to help middle school students with their subject selection.


Year 10 students were engaged in the Expo, workshop, assembly and online parent and student session on 20 July to learn about VCE and options for Year 11 2024 and beyond. They begin their individual subject meetings next week. 


We will meet with Year 8 and 9 students in the coming weeks to discuss their options for 2024 Year 9 and 10.


We encourage parents and students to make use of the resources available and talk to staff at school and including the Academy Senior Subject Hub which gives details about the VCE program at the Academy. 



Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 


Ms Lucy Neil

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching

Yr 9

NAPLAN: Literacy and Numeracy 2023 

We have received the individual NAPLAN results for Year 9 students and have sent these out to parents along with an information sheet about the new reporting standards. We have also received a large number of Certificates of Achievement for Year 9 students for excellent performance. These are given for students who meet the ‘Exceeding standard’ in Reading and/or Numeracy. These will be handed out in an assembly later this term. 

YR 10

Community Action 2023

Year 10 Students invested their time and skills brilliantly during the Community Action/Volunteering Program held in the final week of Term 2. 


Lauded as excellent Academy ambassadors, mature young people, thoughtful and generous, willing to respond and support where required; our students were acknowledged by many supervising staff, affirming the value of community connections we held long before COVID. Positive experiences have culminated in some students organising their return for work experience in September. 


One of our Academy students Stella Alysandratos reflected: 

This week at Mercy Place Aged Care was truly special, and it has left an indelible mark on my heart. I feel a genuine connection with the residents, and I am filled with a desire to return and visit them again. Moreover, I am excited to embark on future work experiences in this field, where I can continue to contribute and make a positive impact in the lives of those in aged care communities.

Anne-Marie Allen Work Experience and Community Action