Student Learning

100 Days of School
The Foundation classes were very excited to celebrate their first 100 days of school with the theme "100 Days Brighter". Students and staff came dressed in bright colours and participated in lots of activities celebrating the number 100.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
Foundation students using different materials to build a tower or a town and also demonstrating how they can work together.
Foundation students have been learning about the Australian notes and practiced putting them in order of least to most valuable.
Year 6 Buddies
Spending time with their Grade 6 Buddy is a favourite activity for Foundation students. These activities build connections between students across the school and gives our Foundation students the confidence to communicate and work with older students.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students have looked at what decoding strategies they can use when solving tricky words.
Writing: The students have worked really hard on their procedure text. They have begun publishing them on their I-pads and we can't wait to see their finished pieces.
Maths: The Students have looked closely at fractions. They enjoyed working out what a 1/2 and a 1/4 is using counters.
Year 5/6
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) -
Year 5/6 set the task of building three different shaped columns to test which shape can support the most weight.
Writing -
The 5/6s have been producing some beautiful writing pieces. Each student got to choose a genre - picture story book, travel brochure, interview or Newspaper article. Here is a sneak peak.
The finish product will be available to view. Picture story books will be shared with 1/2s, then put on display in the library. Travel Brochures will be displayed in the office, Interviews by private shared link and the Newspaper article in our CPS newsletter.
Students did an open sort after brainstorming. Then presented to the class.