What's Happening

Term 3, 2023
Thursday 3rd August - Parent/Teacher Interviews
Friday 4th August - Spelling Bee - Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2
Wednesday 9th August - Lightning Premiership Year 5/6
Friday 11th August - Spelling Bee - Year 3 to 6
Friday 18th August - Spelling Bee Junior Final
Friday 25th August - Book Week Dress Up Day and Parade
Friday 25th August - Spelling Bee Senior Final
Monday 28th August to Friday 1st September - Education Week
Monday 28th August - Fathers Day Stall
Thursday 31st August - Fathers Day Stall
Friday 1st September - Fathers Day Breakfast
Friday 1st September - Whole School Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 6th September - Ditto Program - Foundation to Yr 2
Monday 11th September - School Production
Book Week
This year Book Week will be celebrated from 19th to 25th August. We will conclude the week with a Dress Up and Parade on Friday 25th August. This year the theme is Read Grow Inspire.
School Production
The Year 5/6 School Productions of 'Star Warts' will be held at the Cobram Civic Centre on Monday 11th September at 6pm.
Students from Foundation through to Year 4 will also have the opportunity to perform songs that they have practised as a class.
This year tickets will be available online through Humanitix. Tickets can not be purchased at the school or on the night. More details will be available once tickets are released. The prices will be Adults for $10 and Children $5.
Father's Day Breakfast
Our annual breakfast will be held on Friday 1st September. We will be serving bacon and eggs rolls from the canteen from 8am to 8:45am. Students will be sent home with a note closer to the date.