Book Week

Assembly / Dress Up Day / Parade  - Thursday 24 August - week 5

Book Week is a wonderful time to celebrate books and reading. Reading helps us to grow by expanding our knowledge, improving our ability to communicate, and developing our critical thinking skills.


Students have been reading some of the shortlisted books in the resource centre and in their classrooms. Buddy classes have been linking art to literacy during inquiry-based learning lessons using one of the shortlisted books Tiny Wonders. This book is about stopping and slowing down in our busy lives and appreciating the natural world around us.


The GPS community embraced the 2023 Book Week theme Read, Grow, Inspire at the Book Week parade on Thursday. The colours and characters were truly inspiring and we thank our families for their creativity and amazing effort. 


A special thank you to Sonia Howard and her team for organising wonderful activities including the performance at the parade.