Years 3 to 6 students will be undertaking ArtSEL (Art through Social Emotional Learning) lessons each week in Semester 2. 

We want your child to be as successful as possible at school. Success in school is not just about reading and maths. It is also about knowing how to learn and how to get along with others. We will be using our ArtSEL program in your child's classroom to teach these critical skills. 

The ArtSEL program teaches skills in the following four areas:

  1. Skills for Learning:  Students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self-talk to stay on task, and be assertive when asking for help with schoolwork. 
  2. Empathy:  Students learn to identify and understand their own and others feelings. Students also learn how to take another's perspective and how to show compassion.
  3. Emotion Management:  Students learn specific skills for calming down when experiencing strong feelings, such as anxiety or anger.
  4. Problem Solving:  Students learn a process for solving problems with others in a positive way. 

Following is a summary of the ArtSEL lessons in Term 3: 


Week 1 

11 July

Lesson 1

Being Respectful Learners

• Focusing your attention and listening help you be a better learner. 

• Focusing your attention and listening show respect.

Week 2 

18 July

Lesson 2

Using Self Talk

• Self-talk means talking to yourself in a quiet voice or in your head. 

• Self-talk can help you focus, stay on task, and handle distractions.

Week 3 

25 July

Lesson 3

Being Assertive

• Being assertive means asking for what you want or need in a calm 

and firm voice. 

• Being assertive is a respectful way to get what you want or need.

Week 4 

1 August

Lesson 4

Identifying Others’ Feelings

• Looking for clues on a person’s face or body and in the situation 

helps you notice and understand how that person is feeling. 

• People can have different feelings about the same situation. 

• All feelings are natural.

Week 5 

8 August

Lesson 5

Understanding Perspectives

• People can have different feelings about the same situation, and 

their feelings can change. 

• Empathy is feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling. 

• Thinking about others’ perspectives helps you have empathy for 


Week 6 

15 August

Lesson 6

Conflicting Feelings

• You can have conflicting feelings about a situation. 

• Having empathy helps you notice when others’ feelings are the 


as or different from yours.

Week 7 

22 August

Lesson 7

Accepting Differences

• Having empathy helps you understand and accept how others are 

the same as or different from you. 

• Accepting and appreciating others’ differences is respectful.

Week 8 

29 August

Lesson 8

Showing Compassion

• Focusing attention on and listening to others can help you have 

empathy and show compassion. 

• You can say kind words or do helpful things to show your 


Week 9 

5 September   

Lesson 9

Making Friends

• Focusing attention on and listening to others can help you have 

empathy and show compassion. 

• You can say kind words or do helpful things to show your 


Week 10

12 September    

Lesson 10

Introducing Emotion Management

• When you feel strong feelings, it’s hard to think clearly. 

• Focusing attention on your body gives you clues about how you’re 


• Thinking about your feelings helps the thinking part of your brain 

get back in control.


Week 1 

11 July

Lesson 1

Empathy and Respect

• The Second Step program helps you succeed at school. 

• Having respect and empathy helps you get along with others.

Week 2 

18 July

Lesson 2

Listening with Attention

• Listening with attention helps you learn, work with others, and 

make friends.

Week 3 

25 July

Lesson 3

Being Assertive

• Being assertive means asking for what you want or need in a calm, firm, respectful voice. 

• Being assertive helps you be successful in a variety of social and academic situations.

Week 4 

1 August

Lesson 4

Respecting Similarities and Differences

• People can have similar or different feelings about the same 


• Being able to notice and then understand others’ feelings is an 

important part of empathy.

Week 5 

8 August

Lesson 5

Understanding Complex Feelings

• It is possible to have more than one feeling at the same time. 

• Being able to understand that others might have complex feelings is an important part of empathy

Week 6 

15 August

Lesson 6

Understanding Different Perspectives

• People can have different perspectives about other people, places, and situations. 

• Perspective taking is a central component of empathy.

Week 7 

22 August

Lesson 7

Conversation and Compliments

• Having successful conversations with peers helps you make and 

build friendships. 

• Giving a sincere, thoughtful compliment is a good way to start a conversation or keep one going.

Week 8 

29 August

Lesson 8

Joining In

• Being assertive can help you join and invite others to join a group.

Week 9 

5 September

Lesson 9

Showing Compassion

• Compassion means saying kind words or doing something 

helpful to show you care about how another person feels. 

• Having empathy helps you show compassion.

Week 10 

12 September Lesson 10

Introducing Emotion Management

• When you feel strong feelings, it’s hard to think clearly. 

• Unmanaged, strong emotions can lead to negative behavior and consequences.


Week 1 

11 July

Lesson 1

Empathy and Respect

• The Second Step program helps you succeed at school. 

• Having respect and empathy helps you get along with others.

Week 2 

18 July

Lesson 2

Listening with Attention

• Listening with attention helps you learn, work with others, and 

make friends.

Week 3 

25 July

Lesson 3

Being Assertive

• Being assertive means asking for what you want or need in a 

calm, firm, respectful voice. 

• Being assertive can help you be successful in a variety of social 

and academic situations.

Week 4 

1 August

Lesson 4

Predicting Feelings

• Being able to predict how what you do or say might make other 

people feel is respectful and will help you get along better with others.

Week 5 

8 August

Lesson 5

Taking Others’ Perspectives

• Others may have different perspectives. 

• Being able to recognize someone else’s perspective helps you 

get along with others.

Week 6 

15 August

Lesson 6

Accepting Differences

• Accepting differences and finding similarities can create mutual 

respect and friendship.

Week 7 

22 August

Lesson 7

Disagreeing Respectfully

• Disagreeing respectfully involves using Assertiveness Skills. 

• Disagreeing respectfully helps you strengthen your relationships, 

avoid misunderstandings, and prevent aggressive conflicts.

Week 8 

29 August

Lesson 8

Responding with Compassion

• Compassion is saying kind words or doing something to show 

you care about how another person feels. 

• Showing compassion for others is the respectful, kind thing 

to do. 

• Having empathy helps you show compassion.

Week 9 

5 September

Lesson 9

Introducing Emotion Management

• When you have strong, unmanaged emotions, it can lead 

to negative behaviour and consequences.

Week 10 

12 September

Lesson 10

Calming Down

• Calming down emotions that are getting out of control helps 

you think clearly so you can avoid negative consequences.

YEAR 6     
Date       Topic

Week 1 

11 July

Lesson 1

Working in Groups

• Identify behaviors involved in listening and respecting others’ 


• Apply group communication skills.

• Define empathy. 

• Apply empathy skills while identifying feelings.

Week 2 

18 July

Lesson 2

Friends and Allies

• Apply empathy skills. 

• Apply active listening skills. 

• Identify ways to make friends and join groups. 

• Define the term ally and identify when and how to be one.

Week 3 

25 July

Lesson 3

Considering Perspectives

• Understand that people’s perspectives are based on their 

feelings, experiences, and needs or wants. 

• Recognize the value in being able to consider another’s 


• Apply perspective-taking skills.

Week 4 

1 August

Lesson 4

Disagreeing Respectfully

• Apply perspective-taking skills. 

• Distinguish between disrespectful and respectful 


• Identify and apply effective communication skills. 

• Apply skills to give constructive feedback.

Week 5 

8 August

Lesson 5

Being Assertive

• Distinguish differences between passive, assertive, and 

aggressive communication styles. 

• Identify and assume the physical and verbal characteristics of 

assertive communication. 

• Apply assertive communication skills.

Week 6 

15 August

Lesson 6

Recognising Bullying

• Recognize and define bullying. 

• Understand how bullying can affect them and their peers. 

• Empathise with individuals who are bullied. 

• Understand what they can do if they or someone they know is 


Week 7 

22 August

Lesson 7


• Recognize and define the role of a bystander in bullying. 

• Understand how a bystander can be a part of the problem or 

part of the solution. 

• Apply empathic concern and perspective taking. 

• Identify ways to be part of the solution to bullying.

Week 8 

29 August

Lesson 8

Emotions – Brain and Body

• Understand what happens to their brains and bodies when they experience strong emotions. 

• Identify the first three Steps for Staying in Control. 

• Understand why using self-talk is a key to managing emotions. 

• Apply self-talk strategies.

Week 9 

5 September

Lesson 9

Calming Down Strategies

• Apply centered breathing techniques correctly. 

• Recognize self-talk that intensifies or calms down strong 


• Use self-talk to manage emotions. 

• Identify calming-down strategies that work best for them.

Week 10 

12 September   Lesson 10

Using the Action Steps

 • Analyze a problem by stating what the problem is and 

identifying the perspectives of those involved. 

• Generate multiple options for solving a problem. 

• Understand how to consider each option and decide on 

the best one. 

• Apply the first four Action Steps.

Years 3 to 5 students will receive weekly Home Links homework that go with ArtSEL lessons. The homework provides an opportunity to see what your child is learning in the sessions, and covers important skills that will prepare them for life. It is only a five minute activity and allows them to practice the skill with you. These skills will also help you manage behaviour at home. There is no need to return the homework to school. 

Year 6 are undertaking a transition program to prepare them for secondary school, and will not complete Home Links. 

Please do not hesitate to get in contact for more information. Thank you for supporting your child in learning the skills that lead to success in school and in life.

Nikki Olsen

ArtSEL Coordinator