
Sayembara Lisan Indonesian Speaking Competition

This year we had 13 finalists who participated in the annual Indonesian Speaking Competition. This was held at Melbourne High school on 22 July. With months of practise and rehearsals, students are to be commended for their hard work! 


Overall, there were 800 students who participated from 32 government and private schools in the competition this year. Bu Amanda and Bu Grace would like to congratulate Mia, Nika and Isabelle for a fantastic effort in the Indonesian Sayembara Lisan and for placing in the competition. 


Congratulations to:

Mia F for 1st Place for Prep to Year 2. 

Isabelle L for 2nd Place for Year 5 and 6.

Nika D for Highly Commended for Year 3 and 4.


The Award Night was held at Melbourne High School on 11 August. Once again, congratulations to these students for a successful competition! 

VILTA Statewide Independance Day Poster Competition 

As part of the Indonesian Day activities on Tuesday, students from Prep to Year 6 entered the statewide Indonesian poster competition. 


As part of the 78th Independance Day, students were required to create a poster around the theme "Herbs and Spices". Posters were judged by a jury of experts from the Indonesian Consulate General and the event coordinator. VILTA will showcase winning posters on their website. 


We had several students who won first or second place in the competition. This is very exciting news as there were 180 entries overall for the competition in Victoria. Congratulations! 


Congratulations to:

Prep:  Maggie 1st place

Year 1(Group):  Evelyn & Chloe 1st place

Year 2 (Group):  Caleb, Dimitri & Anousheh 2nd place

Year 3:  Jacki 2nd place

Flag Raising Ceremony

Selected students were invited to a flag-raising ceremony commemorating Indonesia's Independance at the Consulate General in Melbourne on 17 August. This is a huge honor. Well done!

Indonesian Day

What a spectacular day we had celebrating Indonesia’s Independence Day on Tuesday 8 August! It was a day to be immersed into Indonesian culture and to have fun celebrating all things Indonesian. Students enjoyed the many wonderful activities including craft, doorway decoration, drumming, dancing and as well as Independence day games. A special thank you to our presenters Aaron, Nita and Philip for their Baguskan workshops. 


Doorway decoration competition

Students from Prep to Year 6 decorated their classroom doors in red and white. The winner of this year's competition was 6C. Well done! 



This year, students participated in a range of games including the Bakiak race (sled-like race), the tarik tambang (tug of war), and the balap karung (sack race). 

A video of our day has been compiled and will be shared soon. 


A huge thank you to all staff that supported children throughout all the activities, and to our marvellous Indonesian Captains - Alice, Joshua, Isabelle and Ethan - that have been so supportive and reliable throughout the whole lead up to this day. Bagus!!!

Terima Kasih 

Kind regards

Grace John (Prep & Year 1 Indonesian Teacher) & 

Amanda Tait (Years 2 to 6 Indonesian Teacher)