Year 3

CERES Excursion

Year 3 will visit CERES Community Environment Park in Brunswick East on Wednesday 13 September to increase their understanding of Indigenous Culture and Traditions in line with the Victorian Curriculum Standards for Civics and Citizenship, Ethical Capability, as well as, History. Students will engage in a variety of hands-on activities throughout the day covering the following areas:

  • Identify and connect with elements of Aboriginal cultures
  • Understand that each Aboriginal person has connection and identifies with their culture in their own way and holds responsibility for caring for the land through totemic system
  • Explore ways of keeping ancient knowledge and tradition alive through a selection of activities including Tiddalik Stories, Ochre painting, Ngarrga/Traditional Dance and Merri Merri Cultural Walk.
  • Discuss the role of students to embed the knowledge they have gained into their school activities

This excursion will add to students depth of knowledge as we undertake our 'Australia's First People' unit this term.


If you are interested in volunteering on this excursion, please contact your class teacher with you expression of interest. You must have a current Working with Children Check to volunteer.


Excursion information has been published on Compass.